LJ Idol Season 11: The Way Back

May 06, 2020 12:19

My mom and aunts would always tell me stories of my grandfather who I never met. His big sticking point to them had always been family stays together, no matter what. He would remind them that they were three sisters and they only had each other. It became a mantra that was drilled into them and they could recite long after he was gone ( Read more... )

lj idol season 11

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Comments 39

kittenboo May 7 2020, 00:13:44 UTC
That is awful, and you did not deserve to be treated that way at all. It is difficult enough to go through a miscarriage (I’ve had one as well) you don’t need someone saying something like that to you. Good for you for setting healthy boundaries. Your son will be better off for it.


xlovebecomesher May 9 2020, 21:24:44 UTC
I'm sorry you had to go through a miscarriage :(


me_sonrei May 7 2020, 01:37:05 UTC
Oh, goodness! This is not your fault, at all -- this is the fault of your family, and you have made a wise choice in separating yourself and your child from them!


xlovebecomesher May 9 2020, 21:26:13 UTC
There are actions I've taken over the years that I recognize have contributed to this so there are things I know I'm not innocent in. But I think whether or not I had taken them, it would have still turned out the same and better off for cutting them out of my life.


weebleswobble May 7 2020, 02:52:12 UTC
keeping family together, is not the same as using that as an excuse to perpetrate continued rudeness and cruelty.
oh you have to love me no matter how bad i hurt you. - nope! thats what abusers do to keep you down so you give up and just put up with them.

*hugs* family is hard. i cant even imagine how much harder yours would be with a history like that.


xlovebecomesher May 9 2020, 21:27:08 UTC

oh you have to love me no matter how bad i hurt you. - nope! thats what abusers do to keep you down so you give up and just put up with them. So true!


awakenyourfaith May 7 2020, 04:08:34 UTC
I'm so sorry that you had to deal with such a toxic relationship.


xlovebecomesher May 9 2020, 21:26:39 UTC
Thanks - hopefully my son will not know toxic family!


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xlovebecomesher May 9 2020, 21:27:39 UTC
I'm really glad I did prioritize mental health and sanity!


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