Extra Lessons: An Idiot's Guide to Sex-ed (Chp 2 Part 1)

May 21, 2008 21:53

Title: Extra Lessons: An Idiot's Guide to Sex-ed (aka Extra Lessons)
Author: xlolitsnozomix
Pairing: Akame
Rating: NC-17
Beta: stardustii 
Genre: Fluff, Romance, AU, crack, humor, SMUTT~!!!!!
Disclaimer: I own my akame muses 8D -huggles them-
Summary: Jin is a 3rd year highschool student who will be returning as a senior. However, in order to graduate, he has to to take a sex-ed class that he hadn't taken in all of his 3 years in high school. So during summer school, he decides to take the class to get it over with. However, as soon as the first day of summer school starts, twists, turns, drama, and unexpected romance are abundant in every corner he turns! And he think maybe it won't be such a boring summer afterall....
Warnings: Forbidden Love between teacher && student 8D so dont read it if that offends youu~! also in this chp. it's SEME!KAME
OH! and there's a banner!!! NYAHAHHA :D-->

(and yesh, that huge face in the right is in fact Jin's face[x )
A/N: WHOOO~! exactly a month for updating this~! DANG >_<;;; well its kool that its exactly a month but im sad that i update so slow. *grumbles* oh and yeah, seme!kame is my thing now so i wrote it 8D and the reasons are:
1)i'm the semekame version of kame anyways (while
xx_lovelain_xx  is the uke version! :D)
2)I'm sort of sick of uke!Kame
3) Seme!Jin is overrated ><;;
4) and i promised mustenentwined3  that i would write seme!kame alot from now on :D
5)kame is hot when he is in control
6)and plus, he's the SENSEI in here 8D

okay so to end my ramble bit, i'm happy to say that this is a completely SMUTTY chp, all nice and polished for you to read by stardustii  even though she was bombarded with school stuffs--OOH BBY ILUSM AND THANKS FOR EVERYTIHNG<33 (i hope this cheers you up, risa6chan  !!) okay i'll shaddup now XD

Here's Chp1


Oh my god, I'm gunna be late…gunna be late…it's the second fucking day of school and I'm gunna be fucking late…not considering the fact that I already missed the first day of school…Jin rambled aimlessly, his eyes darting from side to side.

The weather was crisp and chilly that morning-there was something refreshing about how the wind blew the green leaves carelessly over the air, making them sail gently all over the schoolyards. There was something different, something significant about that day…

Jin sped over the concrete pathways outside of the classrooms and took a deep breath-breathed out. He felt good, really good. In fact, he hadn't felt that good all week. He felt a surge of excitement course through every one of his nerves and shivered excitedly; he felt as if he'd just had a sip of champagne. Despite the fact that he probably was going to be late, Jin felt really peaceful-- content, almost- it was indescribable, the way he felt. It was as if…as if something important was going to happen; he had this feeling, he just didn't know what it would be yet…

He kept a firm grasp on his schedule and glanced back at it again to check the room number again. Room 235. Phew, looks like I'm not going to be late after all!

This was it! Jin stood outside one of the familiar doorway and stared at the room number next to the dark window. He took a step, drew in a deep breath, and reached for the handle. Just as he turned the doorknob and swung the door open, the sun shone in his face and he reeled back, and let go of the silver door handle. Just as he did so, the late bell rang. Fuckkkkk. Damn you, sun!!


"You'll be alright, Akanishi-kun, you merely twisted the muscles in your back a tiny bit-probably when you fell out of bed this morning," the doctor reassured Jin as he pat his back. Jin cringed and tried to get as far away from the man as possible. There was just something about doctors, hospitals, and medicine that made him uneasy, uncomfortable. He just nodded at the man wearing the white coat who was fixing his glasses and placing them higher on the bridge of his nose. He scowled; there was something about this man's expression that really bothered him.

The doctor finally left after Jin mumbled, "Thanks, Sensei." Taking small, cautious breaths, Jin studied his surroundings; there was an assortment of scary looking tools and machinery attached to one of the four boring white walls. A few paintings adorned the walls opposite of where he was sitting.

The air smelled bad, like medicine, shots, and blood. Jin shivered. He'd always been queasy when it came to blood, it grossed him out to the point that whenever he had a nosebleed, it would usually become a whole round of nausea.

Jin shivered and held his breath, letting out shallow little exhales as to not get too much of the bitter taste in the air. He was missing basketball practice for this? Totally and completely lame…

Suddenly, there was a light, gentle knock on the door. Jin answered with a weak, "Come in;" he felt like he was suffocating, this smell could kill…."How are you feeling, Jin?" Jin's mom stealthily slipped in behind the wooden door and turned around to latch the silver metal handle back in its place.

Jin shrugged. The pain in his back was less once the doctor pressed a few sore spots but it was still aching a bit. He turned up to look at his worried mother, "Are you okay?" she repeated.

Jin nodded slightly placed his palms on the white bed to push himself off. He landed on both feet and headed towards the door.

"Okaasan? I'm alright…Honest! Come on, let's go, I hate this place…" he pleaded as he took her arm, guiding her towards the door.

Suddenly there was a cold, cool palm on his forehead, "Jin, don't think you can lie to me. You can lie to anyone else but your own mother, haven't you learned that already?" His mom clicked her tongue, looking at him with a hard, worried look directed at his forehead.

"We're going to get you some medication and that's that," she announced, flung her black leather bag over her shoulder and dragged her soon by the arm out to the front counter.

Mom worries too much about me…


Jin scrambled hopelessly into the air-conditioned classroom and crashed into an empty seat. While running to said chair, he tripped over somebody's black, worn out backpack and a crumpled paper bag lunch, and he muttered apologies while he tried to fake his promptness.

"Jin! Why are you late?! And not to mention you didn't even make it to class yesterday!" Yamapi hissed from beside him, narrowing his eyes at his best friend. Jin's cheeks were red from dashing to the seat like as if his depended on it and he was so out of breath that he was huffing and gasping for air like crazy-which caused much attention to turn his way.

He just shut his eyes and tried to get his breath back to normal and not sound like he was having an asthma attack. Finally, finally, his breath became normal and his pulse stabilized again. When Jin finally opened his eyes to look around the room for the first time, he had to squint because the sunlight was streaming in the gray, filtered windows and was shining at his eyes again. Arghhh! It's all your fault, you stupid sun!

"Akanishi Jin?"

"H-here-" Jin tried to raise his hand but stopped halfway because when he met the substitute teacher's eyes, he nearly fell out of his seat.

Oh my god. No freaking way. I've gotta be dreaming right? Th-this can't be true! Oh. My. God.

"Do you have a note for your absence yesterday? Where were you? Ditching class?" the man intrigued smoothly, his silky voice lowering a few octaves. A raised eyebrow and his bangs swept to the side. His eyes were sparkling with amusement and alive with secrecy, blazing somewhere deep in his obsidian orbs.

What the hell...he knows what happened to me…why is he asking me this? He was there…and he…he…

Jin turned from pink, to red, to bright scarlet and his cheeks stayed like that as he remembered the heavenly kiss…the one that he thought he had imagined but in fact did not…

The silky smooth voice interrupted his thoughts a second time as the words easily flowed out, "Please see me after class, Akanishi-kun, I think we have some things to discuss."

Jin gulped. Oh shit.

Then as thought nothing had ever happened, the thin, gorgeous teacher gently took a stack of papers from his desk and advanced towards the front of the classroom to start his lesson. His steps were graceful and his back arched ever so slightly with every step he took, his hair bouncing softly against his broad but thin shoulders.

He…he looks kind of…good…like that…OH GOD...what's wrong with me?! He's my teacher…and I…he…we're guys for god sakes!

Jin shook his head violently, trying to break the random and completely insane thoughts that suddenly floated into his head.

It's just the hormones…gotta be the hormones…and plus…he kind of looks like a girl….which makes him kind of…

Jin slapped his palm on his forehead at the suddenly improper thoughts -he couldn't stop them! As if his hormones had a mind of their own! He shook his head a second time, and tried unsuccessfully to focus his mind back to what the other was saying.

But nothing got through to him as soon as the man started speaking-his voice, no, that voice, Jin was sure of it now-it was him. The voice that sounded like sea glass bound together, tinkling as the salty air of the ocean caressed them and made them sing. It was husky at times and smooth and refreshing at others. Jin found it almost addicting; he couldn't get enough of his voice, much less his face…or his body, or his hair, his eyes and that neck…and oh god…that smirk.

Nothing else made any sense; it was all a blur of distorted noises and that luscious voice-the words incomprehensible because Jin was too busy studying every little detail of his new substitute teacher…he was perfect…in almost every single way-even without the sun shining from behind him and casting the dreamlike glow, he still looked as gorgeous as an angel. His features were unique and exquisite, his eyes deep, soulful embers. His skin was pale porcelain-a faint hint of peach graced his cheeks. The eyelashes were long and alluring, making the eyes smolder. Sharp, midnight shaded blades of hair fell messily but somehow neatly and stylishly over his eyes and his eyebrows.

Jin knew he loved those lips the most-crimson and tinted with rose, soft and sweet and he wanted to run his fingers over them so badly…to tickle them with the tip of his tongue…to not wonder, but actually know how they tasted…

GREAT! There I go again!! What's wrong with me?!

I did not just think that, I did not just think that, I did not just think that…

Flushing all the way to his ears, Jin turned away from the sensei and the only thing he could comprehend him saying was, "By the way, you guys can all me Kamenashi Sensei since I forgot to introduce myself yesterday, sorry about that. I will be here for this summer session and possibly staying as an official teacher next year-it's not confirmed yet, however."

Everyone else just nodded and curiously eyed their new instructor while Jin continued to feel the blood pound in his ears and so he put his head down between his bare arms and tried to push all incoherent muddled thoughts out of his crazy head.

"Akanishi-kun? Please do not fall asleep in my class, I do not appreciate that,"

Kamenashi-sensei warned, his musical voice laced with a threatening tone.

"I-I was just-" Jin tried to explain himself but was cut off by his teacher.

"You were just what? So first you don't show up to class, then the next day you come in late, then you drift off in some kind of daydream, and now you're falling asleep on me? From now on I expect you to pay full attention in my class, do you understand?" Kamenashi-sensei eyed his student and raised another perfectly arched eyebrow, his intense gaze going right through Jin-making him draw back in his seat.

Jin just nodded-he couldn't seem to form any coherent thoughts at that moment; his mind was going a hundred miles an hour and nothing would come out right. Blushing furiously, he reached for his backpack and aimlessly pulled out a notebook, trying to hide his flushed face. Stop blushing you stupid idiot! What the hell is so embarrassing anyways?!

"Alright, class, please take out a piece of paper and clear your desk, we're having a pop quiz from the stuff we learned yesterday," the teacher suddenly announced casually-as if it were the most normal thing in the world to have a pop quiz the second day of summer school.

Half of the class groaned in protest and his only reply was, "I'm sure you wouldn't want another want another one tomorrow, I'm assuming?"

The class became silent.

All except for Jin, the famed, "Bakanishi". Because he was just oh-so-smart. Eyes wide with utter shock, Jin stammered helplessly, "B-but I-I…I wasn't here yesterday!! How w-would I know what the t-test was about??"

Kamenashi-sensei, with his best fake, mocking smile, looked Jin straight in the eye and whispered, "Then you should have been here yesterday, am I right?"

Jin gulped again-his pulse was set to racing as the blood pounded painfully in his ears. There was something completely off about that substitute teacher-like he had some kind of agenda…or some other motive.

Jin, fortunately, did not fail to notice this; in fact, he was almost sure he saw real humor flicker in those onyx eyes. Despite that slightly disturbing observance, the teacher was still very…attractive, the way he walked and talked and …the way he whispered was sort...of…just kind …of…sexy. Things that a teacher was definitely not supposed to be…Shaking his head to clear the random thoughts and the red on his cheeks, Jin tried to force his attention back to the classroom.

Quizzes were being passed down the rows and Jin sat quietly-trying not to think too much and trying to avoid the teacher's extreme gaze. It made every nerve in his body react unnecessarily; sent tons of butterflies flurrying to his stomach.

Sexy…why so…freaking ….Goddamnit…

"Jin? Do you have a piece of paper I can borrow?" a soft, girlie voice suddenly broke into Jin's thoughts-it sounded cheerier than the sun itself.

Whirling around to see who it was, he was met with Haruka's glowing face, a bright smile lighting up her every feature.

Jin tried smiling back but he was too busy blushing and trying to stop his heart from doing acrobatics in his stomach. So he nodding again and grabbed a piece of paper from his backpack, and as quickly as possible, slipped it to her, trying not to make eye contact because if Kamenashi-sensei caught him-well let's just say it wouldn't exactly make their relationship any better…

Jin felt the cold seeping into his skin from behind and it sent shivers down his spine-he just decided not to pay any attention to it…Luckily, he didn't turn around because if he did…he would have been greeted with Haruka's spine-tingling glare of suspicion…


When the final bell rang, the class noisily milled around packing up their things and shouted their shares of goodbyes for the day. Meanwhile, Jin was slowly getting his things together-his mind still in a trance like state from the way Kamenashi sensei looked while he was lecturing.

Jin tried to stop it, he really did try-but no matter how much effort he put into it, he simply could not stop himself from thinking, That was the sexiest lecture I have ever seen…

The way he moved his hips and the way he was smiling with those…eyes…and the way he talked about it-it was like he wasn't talking about the reproductive system at all…but more like the most interesting topic in the world…and that voice, oh god that voice…just…so…so…

"Akanishi? Will you please come here? We have to talk a bit," Kamenashi-sensei broke the silence with a cool, calm collected tone of voice. Feeling the blood rush back to his face, Jin awkwardly walked over to the teacher's desk, fiddling shyly with the keychain attached to his jeans and staring at the ground to avoid those eyes.

"I don't think eye contact was ever considered as rude," Kamenashi-sensei chuckled.

Jin's head jerked up from the words and he turned bright pink when he remembered the kiss…their first meeting…"S-sorry," he muttered, trying not to squirm when he looked at the teacher's eyes. The other was actually very young; he looked only a few years older than Jin-23 at the most. Jin's mind started to wander again when his gaze fell over Kamenashi-sensei's collarbones, over the soft, teasing shoulders peeking out from his oh-so-very-thin white collared shirt.

Casually taking his glasses and placing them on the stack of papers in front of him, Kamenashi-sensei flicked his eyes up towards his nervous student, "So, considering that you were absent yesterday, late to class today, and failed the pop quiz, I think we need to take action to bring that sinking grade up," he informed Jin sternly.

Jin nearly fell backwards as he shouted in complete horror, "WHAAT?! I'M FAILING THE CLASS!??!"

Kamenashi-sensei looked at the flustered boy and replied calmly, "You heard me right."

"B-BUT I…I-! What can I do to bring it back up??" Jin asked worriedly, his eyes widening with shock.

"Hmmm…you can stay after class-as detention and I can give you a few extra lessons…"

Kamenashi-sensei suggested casually, drumming his fingertips on the table as a tiny, tiny smirk grew on his lips.

Detention?! But…I have a game today! …but if I don't, then my grade…argh…this …SUCKS…I guess there's no other way.

"Alright, I'll stay…but to how long?" Jin probed, his mouth pulled into a tight line.

"I'll say 8pm?"

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?! EIGHT?! BUT…THAT'S SO LATE!!! WOULDN'T THE SCHOOL BE CLOSED?!" Jin shrieked, his eyes growing so big he was almost frightened that they were going to pop out of his skull.

Kamenashi-sensei chuckled softly and clicked his tongue, "Well…I never said you had to stay, it's only for your grade though…"

Jin contemplated this…was it really worth staying to school till eight o'clock? It won't be too bad…it's only…MORE THAN 10 HOURS!…

Jin groaned internally, but even as he agreed with a frown, his thoughts were the exact opposite...

I'm sure it would be boring though…he's much more interesting than any teacher I've ever had…and plus…goddamnit, just look at those …lips…

Jin did, indeed, have other thoughts while he agreed to the detention…most of them too inappropriate to be mentioned…


"So this is how it works, right?" Jin asked, trying to figure out if he could finally understand all this reproductive system mess-why was it so complicated??

"Hmm…yeah, you almost, got it, except you switched this and this around,"

Kamenashi-sensei responded easily, changing the answers with a flick of his red pen.

"Agh…this is so confusing!" Jin groaned as he halfheartedly threw his pencil down in defeat.

Kamenashi-sensei looked at him for a second, got up, went towards his desk, and rummaged inside a small, white compartment.

Jin squinted, then realized he was looking at his sensei opening a mini fridge! Even as his stomach growled, Jin tried not to ask for food. But before he even had a chance to, Kamenashi-sensei hollered loudly, "Do you want something to eat? Or maybe a drink? Let's take a little break; I think I've enough of worksheets as much as you."

"Yeah…a break sounds good…what do you have?" Jin answered, back his voice trembling when he tried to speak up a bit louder. More than six hours in this classroom with him and I'm still reacting like a high school girl!! I just…can't…stop myself…goddamn, he even smells good…what the hell is up with that?!

"Hmmm…I've got a fruit salad, and a turkey sandwich…just a couple sodas, chips and uhh…yeah…I think that's all."

"Ah, can I have the sandwich if it's not too much trouble…?" Jin asked meekly, squinting out the window as he said this-for some reason, eye contact gave him all sorts of butterflies. It was already sunset and the sky was a magnificent glory of purple, red, and orange hues. It was like a huge painting and it was simply breathtaking.

"Sure, I'll grab some sodas while I'm at it."


It was nearly six pm by the time they finished the food; Kamenashi-sensei had given Jin the sandwich and a soda while he himself had a glass of champagne and the salad. Jin's eyes widened when he caught a glimpse of the champagne, sputtering his soda all over the floor, "Alcohol?! B-but…isn't that like not allowed here??"

The other just smiled secretly and proceeded to sip the drink quietly, turning his attention away from Jin and to the glass window, relishing the view of the magical sunset.

Jin tried to finish the last of the questions so he could just sit and relax for the next two hours, but when he tried to read the next question, it made no sense at all so he decided to skip it and move on-but the next one didn't make any sense either…and neither did the next…

"Ne~ Sensei, none of these make any sense…" Jin whined, scrunching up his eyebrows as he crossed his arms over his chest.

A second later, nothing was definitely making any sense because all of his papers were pushed onto the floor and he was being lifted up by his collar and dragged towards the front of the classroom!

"S-sensei?? What are you doing?!" Jin gasped.

"Giving you a hands-on extra lesson…" the teacher whispered seductively, smirking wider than a Cheshire Cat. Soon, they were all over the teacher's desk, scattering papers and photo frames all over the floor and making a cup of pens tumble to the floor; they bounced down unnoticed as they decorated the ground with ink splotches.

"W-wait! S-stop…Th-you…can't-" Jin tried to protest but Kamenashi-sensei was pinning him down on the wooden table, dangerously rubbing their upper halves together. Jin was starting to feel something arise in him-something that was definitely not supposed to be aroused at that moment…

Instead, he found himself groaning in pleasure and agreement, his tone morphing into a light whimper.

"Why…can't I? I don't think anybody's ever said I couldn't give…hands-on lessons…" Kamenashi-sensei whispered softly, fingertips trailing along Jin's temples.

| click here for part 2 |

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jin akanishi, kame kazuya, fanfic

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