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Comments 16

leesers May 20 2010, 19:54:15 UTC
I think those are wonderful steps you're taking towards eating more healthy and regular. I know very little about food and getting in shape (I'm finding this out the hard way myself right now since I'd love to loose about 15-20 pounds since packing on the steroid weight) but I've always been so spoiled with a good metabolism and being able to pork down whatever I want. I lucked out a bit though because I was raised not eating red meat, drinking pop and similar things.

I do know that not eating altogether ends up backfiring, as you mentioned. So I'm glad to hear you're trying hard to at least eat something every now and again even if you're not feeling up to it. :) After being diagnosed, my doctor always stressed smaller meals more often throughout the day. Regardless of my condition, I think that can apply to anyone ♥


xlixia May 20 2010, 20:05:06 UTC
Eating right and I'd like to try to exercise some more. I'm finally getting some of my pain under control enough to do minor things, although the hard part is all the skin I have left over from my weight loss. If things go well in a year or two (and I know it would cost a LOT) I'm might actually see about getting some of it surgically removed. If I had health insurance, they MIGHT cover it, since I know someone that this is the case with (since there's a medical history of it being there, and being gone, and maintaining over a long period of time). *shrugs* it IS a lot of money, but I really do think I deserve it... If I can get something steady jobwise when I come back from Lebanon, I just might try it :)


leesers May 20 2010, 20:47:06 UTC
I think that's a wonderful goal. ♥ It'll be hard and you'll have to save up a lot, but it's always worth it if it's something important to you. I always complain to Michael about what I wouldn't give to have braces again for my front teeth, but that's a vanity cost right now I can't really justify. Also, I hope you have a fabulous time in Lebanon! I keep forgetting you have that trip coming up :)


xlixia May 21 2010, 02:16:59 UTC
I'll take lots of pictures! I have a funny feeling that while I'm there, I'm gonna be thinking "...I wish I could share this with my friends..."

See you at the end of July!!!


feytaline May 20 2010, 21:09:59 UTC
NOM NOM NOMS. Speaking of specialized diets, I'm reading about food intolerences, and how they can cause issues and what not (I'm pretty sure soy is causing some of my headaches now--TOO BAD IT'S IN EVERYTHING)... EATING IS SUCH A PAIN lol.

But it'll all work out in the end! FOOD IS DELICIOUS AND YOU MUST EAT IT. :D Salsa on a salad nom.... :D GOOOD LUCK!


xlixia May 21 2010, 02:24:18 UTC
That's the hardest thing... people can live without alcohol, they can live without drugs, but people can't live without food. So getting eating habits under control are very difficult.


maranda May 20 2010, 21:24:16 UTC
I love things like Olivio. I love the taste of butter, but butter can be so bad (we use the Smart Balance kind now!), and this is the best of both worlds with less guilt. :) It's good to spritz on some plain popcorn.

The diet plan I'm on now actually has me eating more than I usually did. At first I sort of cringed and wanted to cry when doing the math had me eating OVER 2,500 calories a day (when I used to try and be a smidge below 2,000), but it's so I can survive the workouts AND get results, so it makes sense. Still trying to get used to eating a bunch of little things constantly more than I normally did, and bunches and bunches of protein.

You can also saute things with low-sodium chicken/beef/veggie broth too to use less oil and take away some of the fat content of oil if that's an issue. And get a tub of whey or soy protein, too! It seemed rather ridiculous to me at first, but making a shake right after a workout hits the spot.

Let's do this, girlfriend!!


xlixia May 21 2010, 02:26:35 UTC
YES!!! I've been using it on the 98% fat free popcorn for a while now!!!

I'm not really going to drive myself nuts with "watching" what I eat until I get back from Beirut - not that I'm eating whatever the hell right now, it's just that I'm down to the last ten to 15 lbs. That's the hardest to get rid of, and I know I'm going to have to watch like a HAWK to get it done. GO TEAM US!!!


djdiabla May 20 2010, 22:26:44 UTC
Awesome Nat. It's good to see you so positive about the whole food and body thing. Make sure you are getting enough protein (drink more milk!) Remember, fish and chicken are your friend. You can eat whatever you want, so long as it's in moderation. You're doing great! I'm going to the burgh in 2 weeks, and I know it will make me sad because you're not there. :-(


xlixia May 21 2010, 02:28:34 UTC
Yup! Chicken, fish and turkey are pretty much the only meats I'll touch (with an exception here and there if that). To echo what dolleyes above you wrote, I TOTALLY cannot wait until the addition gets built here, and we can get a blender so I can go back to the protein shakes made with skim milk. I'd get SO bloated, but they filled me up, and I could take things to get rid of the bloat :)

Whatcha gonna be in Pittsburgh for, and where are you living again? I forgot. P.S. - happy belated birthday!!!


djdiabla May 31 2010, 14:08:32 UTC
going to see collective soul and skyblast after a pirates game :-). I am now living in dickson city, pa, right outside of scranton.


nozomiwhitewolf May 21 2010, 15:28:34 UTC

... )


xlixia May 21 2010, 18:58:23 UTC
I came.


nozomiwhitewolf May 21 2010, 19:08:16 UTC
Haha. xD


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