20 Cordelia Bases

Sep 03, 2008 14:02

Title: 20 Cordy Bases
Author: xlivvielockex
Character (or Pairing): Cordelia, Cordelia/Angel, Cordelia/Wes, Cordelia/Doyle, Cordelia/Doyle, Cordelia and Willow, Cordelia and Buffy, Cordelia and Harmony, Cordelia and Dennis, Cordelia and the Fang Gang
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Author's Notes: Bases (or icons) that can be altered. Made for fall_for_cordy

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tv: ats, char: btvs: willow, 2008, char: ats: cordelia, char: ats: angel(us), pair: btvs: cordelia/xander, rated: pg, char: btvs: xander, char: ats: wes, char: ats: fang gang, char: minor, char: ats: doyle, pair: ats: cordelia/angel(us), author: kelly, char: btvs: buffy, char: btvs: harmony, tv: btvs, graphics: icons

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Comments 24

nikkiwawa79 September 3 2008, 21:37:29 UTC
These bases are lovely! I totally laughed looking at #10 b/c CC cracks me up everytime cutting the brownies with the ancient knife lmao Then, putting Wes down. I so love the good ol' days of Angel ♥


xlivvielockex October 21 2008, 17:38:28 UTC
I know. I miss the "old school" Angel whenever I think about the crap that was S4 and S5. I wish they would have just stuck with the formula that worked and people loved.


ubiquirk September 4 2008, 01:25:48 UTC
Really nice! I esp like the cropping and pic choice you did for 8, 17, and 18.


xlivvielockex October 21 2008, 17:39:20 UTC
I'm late with the getting back to replying but thank you so much. Its not hard to make good bases when you've got such a lovely subject as CC. LOL


kargrif September 4 2008, 02:15:02 UTC
ohhhh so pretty! i love them!


xlivvielockex October 21 2008, 17:40:48 UTC
I'm late in replying to comments but I did want to say thank you so very much. I really do appreciate it.


zoesmith September 4 2008, 11:19:42 UTC
Oh these are all gorgeous!! Very well done!!



xlivvielockex October 21 2008, 17:41:47 UTC
I'm really late in replying to comments but I did want to say thank you very much and thank you for leaving such a nice comment.


mysterious_daze September 4 2008, 14:49:50 UTC
I adore 9 and 16! OMG, I'm totally thinking of Cordy/Buffy right now, which is something I never thought would happen. And the way she's looking at Xander in 16 is just so d'awwwww!



xlivvielockex October 21 2008, 17:43:22 UTC
I'm a little late in replies and I'm sorry but thank you so much for leaving such a great comment! I really do appreciate it. Cordy/Buffy would be very very hot. Two beautiful ladies, what's not to love?


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