30 Gay for Charisma Icons (NSFW)

Dec 12, 2007 17:39

These were inspired by three of the loveliest people I have ever met, damnskippytoo, nikkiwawa79, and samsom because they are always saying how gay they are for Charisma. (Aren't most of us Strangers? LOL)

I saw an icon on house_cuddy and I HAD to imitate it. I hope people enjoy these, use them, get a laugh out of them at the very least. If there is a picture that you want made into the ( Read more... )

humor, kelly's an idiot, rated: nc17, author: kelly, site: stranger things, celebs: charisma carpenter, 2007, graphics: icons

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Comments 49

samsom December 13 2007, 00:54:03 UTC
Aw hell. I gotta figure out how to squeeze more icon space out of LJ because there's no way I'M NOT TAKING ALL OF THESE!!!!!!!!!!

Good Christ woman, they are made of AWESOME!


xlivvielockex December 13 2007, 01:01:27 UTC
The only good thing about having a perm account is that you get space for 140 pictures. LOL

I was so making them while we were emailing and I wanted to tell you but I wanted it to be a holiday surprise. So SURPRISE!

You know how hard it was to pick out JUST 30 sexy pictures of her? I could have done this all night and ended up with 100 icons easily. So pretty. *sighs*


Look at her! samsom December 13 2007, 01:41:13 UTC
I do not know how Angel did not hit that every chance he got, starting with the night she ran to his apartment to get away from the cockroaches.

Maybe he was gay.



Re: Look at her! xlivvielockex December 13 2007, 03:16:42 UTC
Because Angel is an idiot, simple as that. At least Doyle was smart enough to be like hey, you blind, she is hotness.

And even when he did figure it out, he perfered to wring his axe than act on it. LOL Thank god for fanfic. THANK GOD!


nikkiwawa79 December 13 2007, 01:06:29 UTC
lol OMFG you are so made of ultimate win! ♥

I snagged a bunch! I so love these :) *melts and dies*


xlivvielockex December 13 2007, 01:08:28 UTC
How did I know that you were going to love them? LOL Well, you helped to inspire me after I saw the comments on DS' post with the Big Shot pics. How could I not do this?

At least you and samsom are amused by them. I know if I pimp them out, I am going to get some not so nice comments.


samsom December 13 2007, 01:12:27 UTC
Well, we'll find out.

I'm going to be posting my favorite one.

As soon as I figure out which one it is.


(The comment has been removed)

xlivvielockex December 13 2007, 03:12:01 UTC
Thank you so very much. :) I couldn't have done it if those three hadn't given me the inspiration though!


damnskippytoo December 13 2007, 02:03:55 UTC
LOL! Spread the gay!! I know you're all over LJ and the net so I demand you use these wherever you go and then report back any negative comments you get. We will crush the assholes.

I'm snagging several of these. I may make some more with some other pics that are flashing in my mind right now. Arrggghhh, there are soooo many!


samsom December 13 2007, 02:54:09 UTC
*prays this will catch fire like dry wood fueled by alcohol in July*

I want to see them as soon as they're finished, Debs. :D


xlivvielockex December 13 2007, 03:15:37 UTC
This is me being cynical cause well, it is my journal but I have this feeling that we will be seeing a whole lot of "Gay for Alyson", "Gay for Eliza", "Gay for SMG" icons first. I did steal the idea from someone else but I haven't seen it yet in this fandom.


samsom December 13 2007, 03:18:34 UTC
You're in good company. I believe the "Five Things" style of fic didn't originate in the Buffyverse either but it caught on pretty good here once the first one was written, and some awesome stuff has come from it.

The more the merrier. Peeps love who they love and if we can share the love, more's the good. No?


boy_named_susie December 13 2007, 03:59:10 UTC
LOL. These icons are cracking me up, probably because they were made by you and I know your girl loving ways, LOL.


xlivvielockex December 13 2007, 04:31:28 UTC
Heeeey, I didn't say it, those three did. I was just giving them some...visual displays of their gay for Charisma love. You should blame them. Aaaaallll their fault. LOL


ithinkitisayit December 17 2007, 17:09:11 UTC
Your icon? Full of win!! Isn't it from that Rm W a VW (sp?*) ep?
I love whatever you (or whoever made it) did to it! She looks great =)

Duplicate layer -> Layer Properties -> Overlay, right? (or something like that).

*Yes, I know I have a computer, but but but..I'd have to open wikipedia in a new tab and like like search for ever for an ep guide to figure out how to incorrectly spell Room with a View [[whimpers in laziness]]


boy_named_susie December 20 2007, 01:08:47 UTC
I actually have no idea since I didn't make it. Credit goes to sheshavingababy. But it's definately one of my favorite icons.


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