Spike/Dru, Cibo Matto Drabble

Apr 18, 2007 00:08

I wrote three things this week for still_grrr but I will space them out so everyone isn't like "OMFG KELLY! QUIT CHOKING MY FLIST!" LOL So one tonight, one tomorrow night, one Thursday night.

Title The Night Cibo Matto Wrote "Stone"
Author xlivvielockex
Rating PG
Word Count 100
Prompt 009: Caritas, The Bronze, Canton at still_grrr
Characters/Pairing (if any): Cibo Matto, Spike/Dru
A/N: Not up for voting. If you haven’t hear the song, the lyrics are here

( All I Can Do Is Sing For Her)

fic: drabbles, pair: btvs: spike/dru, site: still grrr, tv: btvs, 2007

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