Cordy Taxes Drabble

Apr 16, 2007 17:29

Written for open_on_sunday prompt of "tax, taxing, taxi, taxes":

Title: Reparations
Rating PG

Cordelia hated April 15th. She faced demons, vampires, all sorts of uglies but the IRS scared her the most. Starting when she got her W-2, a ball formed in the pit of her stomach. Memories swirled in her head of having everything taken from her, the trauma of going from the top of the world to the rock bottom. There was that irrational fear that they would take it all again. Sure, she would deal, survive. She always did. But...

And when she got that refund check, picturing the new Jimmy Choos she would buy, it felt like justice.

fic: drabbles, tv: ats, site: open on sunday, char: ats: cordelia, 2007

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