China/Chinese Drabble

Feb 19, 2007 13:57

This was written for the "China/Chinese" prompt at open_on_sunday

Title: Starstruck
Timeline: Several years after “Chosen”

“Marilyn Monroe had weird handwriting.” Dawn said as she stepped into the starlet’s footsteps outside Grauman’s Chinese Theater. Buffy was oddly silent as she looked over all the hands and feet impressed into the cement.

“Something wrong? Buffy?” Willow asked, voice concerned.

“It would have been cool to leave something behind like all these stars before I became not so special anymore.” Buffy replied.

Xander threw an arm around her, grinning. “Well, Buff, you left Sunnydale a huge crater that tourists pay twenty bucks to see now. You saved the world. A lot. I think that’s called leaving an impression.”

fic: drabbles, char: btvs: willow, char: btvs: dawn, char: btvs: xander, char: btvs: buffy, site: open on sunday, 2007, tv: btvs, fic: gen

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