Three Darla drabble for Good__Evil

Jan 24, 2007 11:39

Title: He Watched Her
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Character: Darla
Word Count: 100
A/N: Big thanks to diseased_inside for the research help on Colonial clothing

He watched her, dressed in black to show off her wealth, as she strolled her male companion down the street. She made no effort to hide who or what she was.

He watched her dressed in green show off her piety. The Puritans of the colony knew she was far from pious and whispered words of “that woman” at Sunday Church. Church, he noted, she never attended. She never asked forgiveness for her sins, though they were numerous.

In time, with his help, her mortal sins would pale in comparison to the acts he had planned for his dear one.


Title: Kitty Genovese
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Character: Darla
Word Count: 100

She liked to watch him as he toyed with his victims. He was like a large puppy with a toy. He would toss them around, shake them in his jaws, and chase them like rabbits in the meadow. It contented her to see him so happy, her darling boy. She would find him little playthings. He would destroy them in less than an hour. Broken toys. Then she would charge herself to finding another gift, another toy. She watched him murder them, the blood on his hands but not his alone.

Her greatest sin was to do nothing at all.


Title: Sheep Go To Heaven
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Character: Darla
Word Count: 100

Hell wasn’t that bad, she thought. It was no different than all those years with her dear boy, Angelus. She saw the same unspeakable horrors; inflicted some, had some inflicted upon her. The fires reminded her of the sun, its warmth on her face, something she had forgotten many years ago. She couldn’t even remember her mortal name, she shouldn’t be expected to remember how the sun felt.

This is what she deserved, this was her place, a minion to a master once more. Her one redeeming act was not enough to make up for centuries of cruelty and hate.

fic: drabbles, site: good evil, tv: ats, char: ats: darla, 2007, fic: gen

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