Oz Drabble for Good__Evil

Jan 07, 2007 11:05

Title: Constant Cravings
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: G
Charater: Oz
Word Count: 100

Everyone looked at Oz from across the table in the library. It wasn’t just the rather loud crunching that the normally laid back and quiet rocker was doing, it was what he was crunching on that was drawing the raised eyebrows.

“What?” He asked as he looked at the assembled group.

“Oz...it’s just that...well...you...are...” Willow stammered.

“You are eating dog biscuits!” Cordelia blurted out in her typical fashion.

“It’s that time of the month.”

Xander spoke up. “But dog biscuits, man?”

“I get cravings.” Oz shrugged his shoulders as he popped another Milkbone into his mouth.

fic: drabbles, char: btvs: oz, site: good evil, tv: btvs, 2007, fic: gen

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