Superbowl Drabble

Feb 05, 2007 08:43

Written for the prompt of "Super" or "Bowl" or "Superbowl" at open_on_sunday

Title: Bonding
Timeline: Pre-ATS

Cops never came to the Badlands. They’d haul a musty couch out from someone’s trash, put it in front of the Rent-A-Center. They had the universal remote someone got out of the dumpster behind the K-Mart. The buttons were worn down but it still changed channels through the glass. Gunn and Alonna were on snacks. Korean guy behind the counter kept his eyes on the towering black man while his more innocent looking sister was busy putting an entire container of jerky between her knees. Didn’t matter who won cause for a few hours, they could forget.

fic: drabbles, char: ats: gunn, tv: ats, site: open on sunday, 2007, fic: gen

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