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Comments 41

samsom January 6 2012, 03:37:29 UTC
*buffs nails*

You're welcome.



xlivvielockex January 6 2012, 03:41:17 UTC
You have no idea how much this comment made me laugh.

You got me so hooked I preordered her next book. I NEVER preorder, let alone pay full price.

My husband even said "You paid full price? Who are you and what have you done with my wife?"

See what you did? At least I loved Fright Night first and was trying to get everyone to see it. LOL


samsom January 6 2012, 03:52:38 UTC
She's one of the best writers I've ever read. You never get confused about what you're reading, you never dislike any of the characters (unless you're supposed to), and you always want more of them. That's the mark of a really fucking good storyteller.

She and JR Ward are DA BOMB.

At least I loved Fright Night first and was trying to get everyone to see it.

Everyone should see it. I second your rec. :D


xlivvielockex January 6 2012, 03:56:23 UTC
On your recommendation I bought four of the JR Ward books. I haven't had a chance to read them though. I planned to read over my winter break but I had some stupid real life shit and just haven't. I have so many books I need to get through!

I'm not as excited for her new book cause I find Izzy kind of meh. I want more Decker and Tracy adventures damnit!


ms_scarletibis January 6 2012, 05:08:51 UTC
Whoa--thanks for the PDF! I'll mos def check it out :D


xlivvielockex January 6 2012, 05:10:14 UTC
They can be kind of hard to find so I'm hoping if I give the PDFs for the first 16 books, people might check them out, fall in love, and buy them. :)

I hope you enjoy them as much as samsom and I have. :)


(The comment has been removed)

xlivvielockex January 6 2012, 15:27:09 UTC
It looks like Kobo can read PDFs. At least from this Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcP1--2WvTI

It's probably similar to Kindle where you just need a USB cord to put the PDF on the reader. They are in black and white so it should be no issue. :)


angryscientist January 6 2012, 14:32:33 UTC
Oh we talked about this but now you made sure my weekend will be spent at home, reading *g*


xlivvielockex January 6 2012, 15:30:44 UTC
That is what I am here for. Corrupting people one person at a time. LOL

They do start out slow so make sure just to keep with it. And the Angel-like character isn't introduced until Flashpoint but there are other references to BTVS/ATS before that.


damnskippytoo January 7 2012, 01:50:51 UTC
Wow! 16 books!!! I'm already hooked on the first one from the first page. Thanks for the fabulous gesture, bb! :D


xlivvielockex January 7 2012, 01:54:26 UTC
I have totally ulterior motives here. I want everyone to read the books, to get into them, and build a fandom with amazing fanworks and dicussion so it's not just me and samsom fantasy casting it. LOL

Nothing I do is selfless. :)


samsom January 7 2012, 02:17:05 UTC
I'm dancing over here! *dances*

Like Liv said, it starts a bit slow but it seriously picks up steam after a while. Hang in there, we'll be waiting on the sidelines with water and towels. :)


xlivvielockex January 7 2012, 02:20:21 UTC

Like I hope her favorites are our favorites and that she loves the same books that I do and omg, we can have all the squees and the fun! I CAN'T WAIT!

*jumps up and down like a child*


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