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Comments 10

samsom August 23 2010, 06:26:49 UTC
(not a big fuck you networks for canceling me!)

haha, any particular series' finale you have in mind with that sentence?? *arched eyebrow*


xlivvielockex August 24 2010, 03:30:34 UTC
It's not the one you are thinking of. When I get to WTF?! Season Finale, I will so talk about it. It's not one people will expect. I will say this, it is one of Debs' favorite shows. Old school shows. ;)


samsom August 24 2010, 03:35:27 UTC
Ah, I think I know. But I will leave the surprise to your post. :D


leobrat August 23 2010, 07:31:37 UTC
Okay, so, the whole world raves about the Six Feet Under series finale, and the 'Breathe Me' sequence, and I've never watched the show, so I know I'm spoiling myself and watching it out of context, but I clicked on it, and I'm pretty sorta intrigued. Plus I'm becoming Alan Ball's bitch just a little more every day, so...


xlivvielockex August 24 2010, 03:34:01 UTC
Six Feet Under is what made me fall in love with Alan Ball. I have gotten a lot of people hooked on SFU. It's an incredibly well crafted show, especially if you love characters. Each character is fully developed, real, flawed. I can't say enough about it. Really you should watch it.


rowanda380 August 23 2010, 14:44:20 UTC
yay, you liked the season finale of friends? I thought I was the only one who did :0)


xlivvielockex August 24 2010, 03:34:46 UTC
My husband and I are Monica and Chandler, right down to the infertility problems so when they got their dream house, the twins, all of it, it gave me hope and resonated with me. I wasn't much of a Ross/Rachel shipper but it was nice that they finally got a happy ending too.


rowanda380 August 24 2010, 15:57:49 UTC
I just kind of felt like the whole thing was well wraped up and realistic, in a television comedy kind of way. It was nice. I am glad that their part resonated with you, that is sweet :0)


sunny_serenity August 24 2010, 21:26:57 UTC
LOL! I kinda hated the SFU ending cos I was all: Damn! Now EVERYONE is gonna know who Sia is! *fist shake* However, it IS one of the most complete and realised finales ever. So it totally gets props for that. Also, ALAN BALL! OMG!

(not a big fuck you networks for canceling me!)
Funniest thing ever. You kind of understand it but there's that huge possibility that it can isolate fans.


xlivvielockex August 26 2010, 02:13:20 UTC
The thing with the big FU to the networks type of finales is that it won't change anything. You got cancelled. You aren't punishing the people who didn't watch, you are punishing the people that did watch. Isn't it better to give your fans the best ending possible than to dissolve into pettiness?


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