Happy Holidays, FList!

Dec 24, 2006 09:55

Hey everyone! I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday! I am dropping off a little present that I made for a Santa community. I had a great time making it so I might just end up doing some more of them! So click Charisma in a Santa hat to see the rather schizophrenic mix I made for the characters of Angel.

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tv: ats, graphics: fanmix

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Comments 6

americangrl69 December 24 2006, 18:06:32 UTC
Very cool mix.


xlivvielockex December 27 2006, 19:53:37 UTC
Thank you! Took me forever to find just the right songs and put them in the right order. LOL


katiesangels December 24 2006, 19:00:57 UTC
Happy Christmas to you!

That's a really nice mix. I only know half of those songs, though. Wish I could download it but it's just not not possible with a dial-up connection. Ah well... :)


xlivvielockex December 27 2006, 19:54:23 UTC
Aww, thanks. I know what you mean about being on dialup. I was on it for so long but when DSL got to be the same price, I just switched over. When the DSL drops off and I have to go to my dialup, I am always tearing my hair out.


boy_named_susie December 26 2006, 22:03:38 UTC
You did a great job with this. I especially liked the lyrics you picked for Angel, Angelus, Faith, Darla, Lilah, okay, well pretty much all of them. :)


xlivvielockex December 27 2006, 19:55:12 UTC
*smoooooooooooooooches* Thank you! You know I think you rock. I am glad you digged on the lyrics. Like I said, took me forever to make.


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