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Comments 12

yazizzle33 July 2 2010, 06:28:52 UTC
Haha, I put them for best cast as well. :D I couldn't agree more about them, not to mention the fact that Seinfeld is one of my favorite shows ever! It's seriously in the top five.

Just watching this vid, I realized how much me and my family quote Seinfeld to each other. Just today I did the whole "Helloooo" thing with my younger brother.


xlivvielockex July 8 2010, 20:19:59 UTC
I can't even tell you how many times a day my husband and I quote lines at each other. It's countless. And that is a sign of a great show, that it endures.

See, more things in common. LOL


yazizzle33 July 8 2010, 22:27:06 UTC
Definitely. The great shows always stick with you. :D

LOL woot! *churns the butter* lol


impetusofadream July 2 2010, 08:05:37 UTC
I actually never got into Seinfeld...I think I was a little too young for that show in it's hey days. But the bits and pieces I have seen look insanely hilarious *And I someone still manage to quote the Soup Nazi all the time*

But I'm very glad to see I'm not the only one that got behind on teh meme, and I hope you feel better soon, being sick is never fun!
*I was sick the other day and still had to go into work, NOT FUN*


xlivvielockex July 8 2010, 20:21:00 UTC
When it was first airing, I really wasn't into it at all. But then, the later half of my college years, it was on in reruns and I got hooked. I think it takes an "adult" mindset to get a lot of the jokes, definitely a late 20-30something kind of vibe. The older I get, the funnier it is to me.

And yeah, the sick sucked but it passed, thankfully. :)


impetusofadream July 9 2010, 05:37:10 UTC
I will definatley have to admit I catch the odd episode now and again and find it much more enjoyable. I feel the same way about Friends.


bja727 July 2 2010, 13:05:21 UTC
OMG, that's such a brilliant choice! Seinfeld has been and will always be my all time favorite tv show! That cast was just amazing together and the chemistry between the characters was just great. I still watch that show today both on reruns and through my DVD's.


xlivvielockex July 8 2010, 20:21:46 UTC
Your icon is win! LOL

And whenever it is on and I'm near the tv, my tuner is tuned to it. It's on so many channels, I probably could watch reruns 24/7 LMAO


random commenter rowanda380 July 2 2010, 15:35:27 UTC
That is a good one, I hadn't really thought about that one.


Re: random commenter xlivvielockex July 8 2010, 20:22:20 UTC
Thank you!

These memes are always hard because there is so much room for interpretation. I'm glad some people agreed with me at least.


sherrilina August 23 2010, 03:26:17 UTC
Ooh, good one! I loved Seinfeld so much, and I know what you mean about the quoting thing, it's such a quotable show, and I feel like a Seinfeld reference comes up in my life at least once a week or so! Like, studying the Moors? Talking about homosexuality? Etc....Seinfeld is such a classic!


xlivvielockex August 24 2010, 03:45:08 UTC
I honest to god quoted it three times today. Since I started this meme and did this day, I have been keeping track and I do quote it at least once a day, if not more. It's just so perfect!


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