Dec 15, 2009 19:46

Title: Not A Pretty Girl: A Faith Lifemix
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: NC17 (for explicit lyrics)
Characters/Pairing: Faith, Faith/Xander, Faith/Robin, implications of Faith/Wes, Buffy/Faith
Author's Note: This is a lifemix, meaning the songs trace Faith's shitty (fanon) upbringing all the way up through Chosen. It's also a Faith picspam so dialup users, this ( Read more... )

graphics, tv: ats, music, char: btvs: faith, rated: nc17, author: kelly, requests: holiday, 2009, graphics: picspam, pair: ats: wes/faith, pair: rare, pair: btvs: buffy/faith, tv: btvs, graphics: fanmix

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xlivvielockex December 18 2009, 03:23:02 UTC
Aww, I'm really glad that you enjoyed your present. I really had a blast making it. I love Faith so it was really fun to think about her life, her character arc, and then find the pics for it.


nikkiwawa79 December 16 2009, 03:17:33 UTC
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! The songs are perfect and the cover and mini picspam are awesome ♥


xlivvielockex December 18 2009, 03:24:10 UTC
I totally couldn't have done it without bouncing ideas off of you, bb! You listened to me rambling late into the night and gave me feedback. You're the best &hearts


obiwahn December 16 2009, 06:10:25 UTC
Hee. The very first fanvid I ever made was a Faith vid to "Rebel Girl." Further proof that we were meant to be friends :)

Awesome job!


xlivvielockex December 18 2009, 03:24:57 UTC
Shh, just don't tell girly_scribbles! Our love affair can be secret, behind closed doors. (Just kidding, gs! Swears!)

But yeah, I love Faith. I kinda wanna date her.


obiwahn December 18 2009, 03:29:50 UTC
Hehe, who doesn't!? Ok don't answer that, because I don't want to even know about such people :P


beer_good_foamy December 16 2009, 07:56:25 UTC
That's brilliant. *headbangs, Beavis-style*


xlivvielockex December 18 2009, 03:25:34 UTC
Huh-uh huh-uh, you said brilliant. Okay, it didn't really work but thanks! LOL


evangelin1202 December 16 2009, 21:06:21 UTC
Absolutely Faith! I love it! The songs, the graphics, the lyrics, everything is perfect.

Fabulous work!


xlivvielockex December 18 2009, 03:26:31 UTC
Thank you! Faith is one of my fave characters so it was totally easy to pick songs for her and picspam her. Gotta spread the Faith love.


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