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Comments 10

rebcake September 25 2009, 19:58:05 UTC
OMG! OMG! OMG! This is soooooo beautiful! They are perfectly evil and careless. Gorgeous prolonged adolescence! Thank you so much! Flames!

(I might be running out of exclamation points. Forgive me.)


xlivvielockex September 25 2009, 20:11:39 UTC
It's kind of funny because when I saw it was your birthday, I knew EXACTLY what I was going to do. It came so easily and I was all inspired. So I'm so beyond happy that you liked it too.

I hope you are having a good birthday! :)


(The comment has been removed)

xlivvielockex September 25 2009, 22:04:34 UTC

Just make sure you post the URL over at the fandom free for all post in my reply so you get "fandom credit" as it were for filling a request (that way, you can make your own requests)


phantom_queen September 25 2009, 20:42:48 UTC
Oh, I love it. The boys are looking good. Thanks so much, I can now drool over Sam and Dean every day.


phantom_queen September 25 2009, 20:44:02 UTC
Oops, I love the Daily Show/Colbert Report one as well, that's very nice and I love line, "truth is relative" lol


xlivvielockex September 25 2009, 22:05:47 UTC
So very very true. LOL I'm glad you like that one too. :)


xlivvielockex September 25 2009, 22:05:21 UTC
I thought you might like that. I had the Impala in there too but it looked weird in the cornfield. LOL


I'm looking over your shoulder, but only because I've got your back. aygul September 25 2009, 21:00:49 UTC
OMG, yaaay, Colbert! And Jon Stewart! Excellent pics of them rockin' the suits, as usual. (I don't have a fixation or anything. ;D)

I've never had a wallpaper of either of them. I love it. Thank you!


Re: I'm looking over your shoulder, but only because I've got your back. xlivvielockex September 25 2009, 22:06:46 UTC
Oh thank god. I was really worried because I kept going back and forth on what to make for sure. I knew you liked Colbert but I wasn't sure if you liked him enough for a wallpaper. This seriously makes me SO happy, you have no idea.


lauratd September 26 2009, 00:50:27 UTC
Thank you! It is so beautiful. And I've seriously been wanting to change my wallpaper for ages but I was to fucking lazy to do anything about it. Oh and the changes video you e-mailed me is now downloaded on my ipod and posted on my facebook wall and I'm brining it with me to my Orff workshop tomorrow because the guy teaching it will love it at least as much as I do. It's the kind of stuff I can see him doing with his students.

love you lots.


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