Title: Autumn Backdrop Rating: PG Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter Theme: #22. The Seasons; Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter Community:
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Ah, it doesn't really matter since it's still the same pairing, but some people such as myself prefer Draco to be the "dominant" one in the relationship. ^^
And thank you for commenting. I'm glad you liked it!
I joined a group on Yahoo that was a DM/HP group and they were very clear on how that worked...whoever is the first of the pairing is "top" or dominant. So DM/HP makes Draco the more dominant whereas HP/DM indicates Harry is dominant. (The things you can learn on the Internet!)
Short but sweet - yes, I prefer DM/HP too. Not that I like a wimpy HP, I just prefer a more dominant DM. I think they're both strong characters, but with DM coming from the "dark side", it just seems more IC for him to dominate.
Anyway, I really like the Fall images you create here, and the end is very nice - I agree w/enchanged_jae about how you made Harry only being "in the way".
So you're thinking of continuing this? I can see a lot of potential with that, although this is good as a OS too.
Comments 15
Theres a difference? HxD vs DxH? I'm pretty slow, but I thought it didn't matter.
Anyway, lets get to how nice this fic is. Its really lovely.
And thank you for commenting. I'm glad you liked it!
I just love bottom!draco :] Along with...sensitive yet strong! draco. I love how you showed his artistic side :]
Psst! Make it H/D...*grins*
Anyway, I really like the Fall images you create here, and the end is very nice - I agree w/enchanged_jae about how you made Harry only being "in the way".
So you're thinking of continuing this? I can see a lot of potential with that, although this is good as a OS too.
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