Title: A Sense of Family 2 By: nikki Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn Pairing: 8059 + excess baggage Rating: PG Warnings: there's a kid involved Disclaimer: Reborn (c) Amano Akira. Dedication: For Dee dtn and her angry turtle.
YAY!! TOSHI IS BACK!!!! XDDD 1st paragraph and you already made me laugh!!
Papa said your special someone is Hibari-san (he was kinda mad when he said it) but Otousan said it's Mukuro-san <--- ROFL!!! I would like to know too~~~ XDD
yes! toshi's back!
April 30 2009, 06:47:53 UTC
When I saw that "A Sense of Family" had an update, it really made my day! Toshi is really a dear, and I EXTREMELY loved his letters to Tsuna (poor Tsuna). I cracked up when Toshi thought about chucking homemade dynamite at Uncle Tsuna's office. Hayato sure raised the kid a little TOO well. "shudders" I also loved Hayato's adorably indirect way of making up, and Takeshi's reaction to it (making up should totally be done in style!). I want to read more about Toshi and his dads and other family (I honestly never thought 8059 family fic will be this good), if only to find out who Tsuna's special someone is. More power, and please enjoy the rest of the week.
hauhuahauhaauh tsuna is greed uke... so he have both!! =DDD and Hibari is too.. because he likes to be seme and uke.. xD so he have Tsuna and Dino xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD its everything in famiglia! =DDDDDDDD
Comments 5
1st paragraph and you already made me laugh!!
Papa said your special someone is Hibari-san (he was kinda mad when he said it) but Otousan said it's Mukuro-san <--- ROFL!!! I would like to know too~~~ XDD
( ... )
oh Uncle Tuna, who is it? <3
I also loved Hayato's adorably indirect way of making up, and Takeshi's reaction to it (making up should totally be done in style!). I want to read more about Toshi and his dads and other family (I honestly never thought 8059 family fic will be this good), if only to find out who Tsuna's special someone is. More power, and please enjoy the rest of the week.
tsuna is greed uke... so he have both!! =DDD
and Hibari is too.. because he likes to be seme and uke.. xD so he have Tsuna and Dino
its everything in famiglia! =DDDDDDDD
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