Title: Clara Remembered
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Clara Oswald, Danny Pink
Pairing: Danny/Clara
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: Takes place sometime after "Last Christmas" with spoilers up through that episode. Written for the prompt 'Last Date' for
challenge 17 at
writerverse Also on
AO3. Full table
Summary: Clara remembers her last date with Danny.
Clara never forgot her last date with Danny.
They went to dinner at a restaurant they’d both been to dozens of times before. Then they went to see a movie neither was particularly interested in seeing.
Clara couldn’t remember what either of them had ordered or even the name of the movie (it wasn’t very good).
What she remembered was the way Danny always opened her car door for her.
She remembered the way he laughed at all her stupid jokes.
Most of all, she remembered the passionate kiss they shared at the end of the night.
Yes, Clara remembered.