Fan Fiction - Some Time Alone Together - Braeden/Malia (Teen Wolf) - 1/1

Jun 25, 2015 05:12

Title: Some Time Alone Together
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Braeden, Malia Tate
Pairing: Braeden/Malia
Rating: G
Word count: 111
A/N: Takes place following season four. No spoilers. Written for drabbletag round 6 at femslash100. Also on AO3.
Summary: Braeden hides Malia in a safe house.

Malia paced around the room. “You can’t keep me locked up here forever!” she shouted. Looking around, she asked “Where are we, anyway?”

“It’s an old safe house I used to use when I was hiding witnesses” said Braeden.

“I shouldn’t be here, I should be out looking for whoever killed my father” said Malia.

“Someone is determined to finish off the rest of your family. They’ve already got Peter, so until Scott catches whoever is behind this your ass stays put” said Braeden. “Besides, it’s a good excuse for us to spend some time alone together.”

Malia smiled. Maybe being holed up in a safe house wouldn’t be so bad.

character: braeden (teen wolf), character: malia tate, fan fiction, relationship: braeden/malia, tv show: teen wolf, community: femslash100, challenges

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