
Apr 06, 2009 23:03

Next Wednesday, I am getting on a train and going to NYC to see the Martha Stewart show.

I am *SO* effing excited.

I think I am gonna pee.

I can't wear sneakers. LOL Apparently, Martha forbids it.

God I love that woman.

P.S: My birthday is this Thursday. I'll be 23. Holy shit. Also, I'm going to Georgia on the 17th. w00t

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Comments 19

nutmeg4077 April 7 2009, 03:33:18 UTC
xitsmejessica April 20 2009, 15:26:53 UTC

It was awesome in person. She had on the typical blue button up shirt, skinny jeans, and HEELS. Oh God it was hilarious. She doesn't do ANYTHING. And once they've stopped filming, she just keeps on eating the dish that they've just prepared. I loved it. I love her SO much more now. =P


vibrant2001 April 7 2009, 04:39:19 UTC
Thing 1, I am so so so so jealous.
Thing 2, I lol'd at the no sneakers rule. (WHATEVER, MARTHA.)


xitsmejessica April 20 2009, 15:27:30 UTC
Yeahh....I got crazy blisters on my feet. And one of those awful rubs on my heel.



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xitsmejessica April 20 2009, 15:28:08 UTC

zomg i can't wait to seeeee yoooooooooooooou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


laurainlimbo April 7 2009, 15:53:54 UTC
I'm not sure what to think about your going to see Martha Stewart. but if it makes you happy, then I approve. but seriously the sneakers??? why? who's gonna see your feet on the show?

and the trip to NYC makes it all worthwhile. who're you going with?

23 years old - wow you're so young:) happy birthday Jessica!!


xitsmejessica April 20 2009, 15:29:13 UTC
I went with Nate's mom, her friend & co-worker Becky, me, and Nate. It was hilarious. I'll post pics ASAP.

I'm in Atlanta right now with my mother. LOVE YAAAAAAAAAAAAA

*hugs and scruffles to Leo*


laurainlimbo April 21 2009, 18:17:46 UTC
hey did you ever get my birthday card in the mail? I sent it to your addy in MA...

I haven't had a chance to look at your pics on facebook - I was too tired last night. but will look soon!!

I bet your cats are happy to see you - and you them right??


xitsmejessica April 28 2009, 20:44:45 UTC
I did! :) Thank you SO much! I loved it. My cats have been following me around (and Marilyn too!) since I got here! Marilyn even has knocked on my door (I think she knocks her head against it LOL) and I let her in and she will sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed. One night she got into bed with me. I didn't tell her to get down; I wanted to see what she would do. She laid her head on the extra pillow and went back to sleep! LMAO!It was *SO* funny. She was laying semi-horizontally though, and I was almost on the edge. I had no room at all, so I finally told her to get down. That double bed wasn't big enough for the two of us! ;)



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xitsmejessica April 20 2009, 15:29:35 UTC
I love you, silly Yankee.


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