Meme: Shag, Marry, Cliff

Oct 05, 2010 15:07

Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I posted. I've been meaning to do a little series of Very Serious Posts, but keep putting it off. One day I will do it, but for the time being I've decided to just use my LJ for a bit of fun; after all, why not?

So adroidmortox247 tagged me by text for this meme. I have 3 characters from a show/shows I like, and I have to choose which to shag, marry or cliff.

Actually he tagged me with two alternative sets, so I'll do both!

Here's the meme:

1) Comment to this and ask and I will give you 3 people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and cliff.

The first set of three are Kaylee, River and Saffron from Firefly/Serenity. I'm keen to point out that these are my reactions to the characters, not necessarily the actors.

Shag: Saffron/Bridget/Yolanda

Sure, she's as untrustworthy as they come, but she is quite hot (though I'm not as keen on Christina Hendricks as some people BLINDED BY HER HUGE BOOBS seem to be) and has Companion training! YoSaffBridge is definitely shaggable. Just make sure you have an antidote for her narcotic lipstick...

Marry: River Tam

Okay, so she's crazy. And can kill you with her brain. But she's cute as a button (have you ever seen a button you'd describe as "cute"? Apart from maybe a ladybird-shaped one on a child's clothing or something, but you wouldn't compare that to Summer Glau! I know, I know, it's just a saying), has an amazing bod and is sweet (when not crazy) and ridiculously smart. What more could I ask? ;^)

Cliff: Kaywinnit Lee Frye

Is it just me? I know Joss Whedon likes to do these "adorable waif" characters; see also Willow and Fred. But both of them seemed to me to have more depth to their characters, and both got quite dark later on.

Perhaps it's unfair to judge Kaylee on only 14 episodes and a movie, but I can only judge on what I see. And frankly, she irritates me. The way she blows hot and cold with Simon, just because he has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth, is not something that I find endearing, and her inability to cope in a dangerous situation doesn't help. I don't even find her that attractive.

I mean, let's not overstate this; I still like her overall, and wouldn't really want to cliff her, but since I have to pick one, it's got to be her. I did think, though, that in the interests of fairness, I should pick a sexeh picture of her. 8^)

I'll do the second set tomorrow. See you then!
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