Oct 28, 2009 23:55

What?! The hell's up with all this candy suddenly in my room?! It's all in Chinese, too. That's crazy, man. I don't get it.

Is it for me? Wait, is this shit drugged? 'Cause I don't want no drugged candy in --

What's on the television set?...the fuck? Candy? Costumes? Oh, I get it, it's some sorta festival. Whatever. Hey, what's this ( Read more... )

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great_gun_king October 29 2009, 17:25:57 UTC
You! You are a warrior, yes?

Then I order a duel! A duel here and now! Launch a flurry of three thousand bullet punches and a kick propelled by a megaton rocket! After taking your blows, I shall then strike you down and lay claim upon your candy!


xinshanquangal October 29 2009, 19:45:45 UTC
What the -- who the fuck are you?!


great_gun_king October 29 2009, 20:02:54 UTC
No, no, no. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You do not ask questions of a superior! You do not ask questions when given orders! Commands on the field of battle are meant to be followed without a second thought.

However, I will appease your ignorance just this once, for I am Salvatooore! The Magniiificent!


xinshanquangal October 29 2009, 20:09:07 UTC
You're a fuckin' loon is what you are. So you're tryin' to start somethin' or what?


great_gun_king October 30 2009, 06:58:56 UTC
Must I spell it out? I have come for conquest! To be ordered to beg for candy is ludicrous! If I were to discover were issued such an order to me, I would crush him!

For now, however, I must acquire the candy you possess!


xinshanquangal October 30 2009, 21:28:20 UTC
*sigh* This is so totally fuckin'...

Oh, whatever. Fine, let's get this shit over with, okay?

There's a sudden blur, and Li is now BEHIND Salvatore, aiming a simple cat kick at her back. She's not quite ready to break out the heavy artillery over this nonsense.

Though there is a brief moment where she wonders if this is how OTHERS felt when she spontaneously fought them.


great_gun_king October 31 2009, 06:55:58 UTC
Ah, how frustrating. Annoooying! Those are not the attacks I commanded you to make!

[Salvatore takes the simple kick to the back as though it were nothing. She crosses her arms and sighs.]

How pitiful is zis Netherworld, anyways? All so, so weak, uncreative, and unwilling to follow orders...It is such a disappointment.


xinshanquangal October 31 2009, 07:19:35 UTC you...


She claps her hands together and closes her eyes. There's a moment of increasing energy and tension -- and she lets loose.

Ultimate move: Xin Ya Lian Shan Quan.

If Salvatore wanted a thousand bullet punches and a kick like a megaton rocket, she's gotten it. Li is practically all over the place -- left, right, front, back, a hurricane of punches and kicks, culminating in a whirlwind all around her.

Li's going to be rather put out if this doesn't do anything.


great_gun_king November 1 2009, 08:29:51 UTC
[Salvatore allows the blows to strike and she goes along for the ride. After Li finishes, she falls to one knee and, while gasping for breath, shouts quite joyfully.]

Excellent! Zis is what I expect from ze Netherworld of Overlord Baal! The battlefield is no place to hold back--no place at aaall. Why, why didn't you do that at ze start?

Hmm. No matter. It is time for me to go, so I will be taking some candy in exchange for zis battle.


xinshanquangal November 1 2009, 16:08:45 UTC
...What the fuck are you, some sorta masochist or something?

Salvatore may be happy about it, but Li seems a little perturbed by it somehow. Perhaps it's because she feels her Master wouldn't have approved?

Geez, just take some and go already. *practically tosses the candy at her*


great_gun_king November 4 2009, 06:44:10 UTC
Very, very good, girl.

[She catches the candy.]

Zank you and have a good day! Perhaps will shall meet on the battlefield once again! Hopefully zat time, I vill actually attack back.


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