memos: yoochun

May 17, 2009 17:15

Memos: Yoochun
Gen, Yoochun-centric; PG
Ten facts about Yoochun.
Previous: Junsu | Jaejoong
A/N: Keep in mind that this is probably entirely fictional.

1. Yoochun has perpetual homesickness. Even when he’s home.

2. He gets his song ideas from soap operas. After six years together, the other members still don’t know.

3. Yoochun still feels guilty for leaving Yoohwan behind.

4. When Yoochun was eight, he found a bird with a broken wing on the playground. No one wanted to touch the bird, so Yoochun took it home and secretly nursed it for three weeks. He cried when it flew away and couldn’t tell his mother why he was sad.

5. Yoochun actually likes Junsu the best, despite his abnormally large butt.

6. He knows his English is bad. That’s why he speaks in Korean.

7. He has no doubt that Jaejoong is his soul mate. In a completely heterosexual kind of way.

8. Yoochun’s first kiss was amazing: all teeth and tongue and burning passion. She didn’t think so.

9. When Yoochun was a toddler, he once ran naked through his grandparents’ restaurant. Something similar happened on his twenty-first birthday.

10. He’ll never forget the day Yoohwan came back to Korea.

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rating: pg, fic: memos, length: chaptered, fandom: dbsk, pairing: general

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