Characters: Billy Kaplan, anyone who wants to join him
Location: Gymnasium (the one without lasers)
Time: Late afternoon
Content: Billy is experimenting with his powers in an effort to make combat class less terrifying. Feel free to drop in!
Warnings: None
Why do you think this will never work? )
Comments 8
It's not until he actually turned away from the door that he saw he's not alone. Bruce tugged down on his baseball cap as he stepped back toward the door. "Sorry, didn't think there'd be anyone else in here."
"Oh, yeah, sorry," he said to the guy--one of the teachers, Billy assumed, though he was kind of scruffy-looking for a teacher (then again, look at Wolverine). "I was just, uh." As usual, his tongue tied on admitting that he was trying to make his own powers work. "Experimenting."
"Oh. Well," he offered, trying to sound encouraging, "it looked like you were doing okay?" Not that he knew what this boy's powers was, or what it was supposed to look like. Or was any kind of expert in this sort of this. But it's the thought that counts, or something.
"Oh--I'm Billy Kaplan," he added, and then, because the man looked kind of lost, "Were you looking for something?"
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