Characters: TEAM ROCKET!!!
Location: Farrell's mansion of eeeviiil
Time: Just before the monster infestation
Content: Jessie and James answer a rather interesting help wanted ad
Format: Prose
Warnings: Creepy mansions and general silliness
This can't go wrong! )
Still, the place was pretty creepy. But cash was cash, and when else would they get an opportunity like this? Besides, maybe they could steal something valuable while they were in the mansion. Big mansions always had valuable stuff in them.
"... You first!" Jessie pulled James in front of her and began to push him towards the door.
"Heh... heh... it's kinda cute..."
James cringed back against Jessie, but when he too felt no ripping or tearing, he looked as well.
"Y-yeah, it... it is." He held out his hand, smiling. "Hey there, little fella."
"Lu?" The purple thing flew closer, then ducked away from James hand, making a noise almost like giggling. "Lu lu lu lu!"
No matter if the purple creature belonged to the owner of the mansion. He probably had a lot more of the things, given by the large quantity of cages. What difference would one missing creature make?
James reached out to grab the beastie, but it flew away from him, giggling its strange laugh.
"Hey! Come on little guy, we're not gonna hurt you!"
He chased it, but it just flew up above one of the cages. James climbed up on some shelves, reaching for it, balanced precariously.
"Come on, please?"
Jessie stood at the bottom of the shelf, beckoning up at the giggling creature.
"Come to Jessie, you little cutie~!" Jessie called in a sickeningly sweet voice. The creature giggled again and swooped down, easily dodging Jessie's hasty grab at it.
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