[Initially, Kakashi had been out enjoying a brisk walk and taking advantage of the warmer weather. He had originally intended on pausing just long enough to get a quick look at whatever the student was drawing, compliment her on it if it was any good and be on his way. Then he looked at what it actually was a drawing of. Well. It could just be a disturbed sense of humour and nothing more, but it warranted a little more attention]
That's quite a detailed drawing, miss! You're very talented.
[Scoffing softly at the compliment, she didn't even look up at the silver haired teacher. Why should she even look at him, he was the one that decided to intrude on her time.]
Of course it is. Art is in the details, even more so if it's potentially functional.
[Yeah, that potentially functional comment was a sign that his instincts were bang on. He decided to talk to the girl some more, and suggest to Charles and Emma that she be monitored a little more closely. They wouldn't telepathically pry unless there was reason to suspect she was going to hurt someone in the near future, but having staff members routinely look in on her might just be a good idea to make sure it never came to that]
Potentially functional, hmm? What would you want to use something like that for?
Abstract art serves no purpose, neither does modern. Both are just there to serve as decoration and nothing more.
[He'd soon find out that she was already under surveillance from Kaito for her police record. Adding an extra beam to the back of the chair, she shrugged at the teacher. Not really interested in his opinions or what he had to say, it wasn't any of his business what art she liked or if she'd ever make the chair.]
I'm sure you can use your brain to see what it could be used for...Not that I would ever use it. Regardless, it's not like it's much worse than the chair of torture. I'm sure that even you teachers know of medieval torture devices.
[She wasn't sure what to make of him...she'd just have to watch what she said around him.]
{Doumeki could thankfully, move quite quietly despite his lanky appearance. Considering Amanda was sitting down it made it quite easy to look over her shoulder and look at the drawing.}
Comments 74
That's an interesting design you have there. Are you planning on building it?
I might. At the least it would be something to occupy my time.
Now why would I do that. That's just crazy, don't you think.
That's quite a detailed drawing, miss! You're very talented.
Of course it is. Art is in the details, even more so if it's potentially functional.
[Yeah, that potentially functional comment was a sign that his instincts were bang on. He decided to talk to the girl some more, and suggest to Charles and Emma that she be monitored a little more closely. They wouldn't telepathically pry unless there was reason to suspect she was going to hurt someone in the near future, but having staff members routinely look in on her might just be a good idea to make sure it never came to that]
Potentially functional, hmm? What would you want to use something like that for?
[He'll play dumb for now]
[He'd soon find out that she was already under surveillance from Kaito for her police record. Adding an extra beam to the back of the chair, she shrugged at the teacher. Not really interested in his opinions or what he had to say, it wasn't any of his business what art she liked or if she'd ever make the chair.]
I'm sure you can use your brain to see what it could be used for...Not that I would ever use it. Regardless, it's not like it's much worse than the chair of torture. I'm sure that even you teachers know of medieval torture devices.
[She wasn't sure what to make of him...she'd just have to watch what she said around him.]
Unique taste you have there.
What's it to you anyway?
It's an observation, it's no business of mine what you do in your free time.
[Grinning up a the boy, she tilted her head to the side an inch]
What do you know...you actually do know your place~.
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