[closed] Walk towards the future. Energy is not needed

Jun 27, 2010 17:46

Characters: Gumi and Derrick
Location: cafeteria
Time: lunch, day after the 5 second webcam uprising virus
Content: Webcam fail buddies meet face to face for the first time, and someone might get clued into why his MP3 hasn't needed to be charged since he arrived at the school late Nov.
Format: prose to start but action or prose is fine after
Warnings: none

After his morning classes, Derrick went to the cafeteria, got his lunch and sat down facing one of the doors. Gumi should be meeting him here. Derrick made sure to come early. He couldn't use his music empathy to find her, but thanks to her mischievous webcam, Derrick already knew what she looked and sounded like. ... And thanks to band room's webcam (now known to be there and possibly influenced by the earlier mentioned webcam), Gumi knew what he looked and sounded like. It wouldn't be hard to spot each other.

Or Gumi could always start singing if he didn't. That was always a good way to get his attention.

megumi "gumi" kamui, derrick "derek" williams

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