Character: Sanji and OPEN
Location: Amazingly the kitchen
Time: Whenever you like, come on, he's the cook
Content: Sanji finally has a moment of peace and quiet on his hands, COME BOTHER HIM
Format: Starting in prose, but whatever works!
Warnings: Typical derpage and/or raeg flailing. Depends on who you are :Db
Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another. )
Comments 224
She shoved her hands in her jean's pockets and stood awkwardly in the doorway, her purple hair matching the text on the t-shirt she was wearing.
"Not at all, mademoiselle!" Zipping over to the table he pulled out a chair for her like a waiter at a restaurant; "Would you like anything while you're here?"
She already felt bad about just being here and bothering him, she'd hate to make him make her something.
"Whatever the lady desires! You have anything in particular you wanted to talk about?" He knew there was something troubling her, but whether she wanted to talk about that specifically or simply wanted some simple conversation to keep her mind off it was entirely up to her discretion.
After he heard a response to his wrapping against the door, the young man poked his head through the door, looking about to make sure no other pranks awaited him. The pranks from earlier had certainly left his patience at a bit of a low point. Seeing nothing treacherous awaiting him, he walked through the door and let it close on it's own. Suddenly, he spied a man working about the room.
"Hey..." Jim had never been the best with introductions, "I was just gonna grab an apple or something, you don't hafta get up."
"As it pleases you. 'Fruit bowl's over there." He nodded his head towards the surface in question.
Removing a piece of lint from his suit jacket lapel he added; "New, aren't you?"
"Yeah, got here a few days ago. Still trying not to get lost around here."
He began to wash the apple under the running water of the sink, glancing over at the person before him, "You work here? Or uh... are you a student?"
Seething slightly at the question (although he couldn't deny he wasn't much older than some of the students here, the cook was more than a little tired of the observation that he was young for his position), Sanji couldn't quite suppress a twitch of his eyebrow as he replied curtly; "Staff."
Somehow pivoting the chair around on one of its four legs by pushing off from the table, he sat to observe the new-comer with disapproving curiosity.
"So, you got a name?" From the way he asked it might have been so that he could write it down in a list-of-people-to-kick-through-windows-later, but that was beside the point.
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