They think they know my thoughts [Open]

Mar 07, 2010 12:26

Characters: Maes Hughes and YOU
Location: Here there and everywhere. (Tag in location, and he'll so be there. 8D)
Time: Sunday eveningish.
Content: Exploring, shoving random pictures into peoples' faces Making friends!
Format: Whatever you want! 1st, 3rd, Action, Prose... Anything goes!

But they don't know the least... )

maes hughes, jeremie belpois, neku sakuraba, elizabeth "liz" ricarro, edward elric

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Comments 22

past_returns March 7 2010, 20:04:21 UTC
Jeremie was just leaving the library, a stack of illusion and telekinesis books in his arms. He'd been practicing some of the focusing techniques in both which seemed to help some. Still, he wasn't quite ready to start walking around with his gloves off in case he touched someone.

He wasn't paying much attention to the people around him as he walked.


deathbypictures March 8 2010, 23:26:03 UTC
Hughes only noticed Jeremie too late, what with being distracted by his own thoughts and all. A collision was inevitable. Unless...

Well... he always prided himself on being fast thinking. So, he only managed to graze the boy with a slight bump before passing through him with ease.

...It never stopped being weird. Especially when you were going through a person.


past_returns March 9 2010, 01:31:07 UTC
Jeremie yelped, scooting as far away as possible before staring at Hughes as if staring right through him. His books dropped to the ground. He shook all over.

Touching was bad. Touching was very, very bad. But he hadn't touched the guy, had he? Did phasing count?


deathbypictures March 10 2010, 01:45:37 UTC
"Hey... are you alright? You look like you've seen-"

...A ghost.

Well, phasing was sort of supernatural-looking, wasn't it? And if the poor kid wasn't used to it...

He should've been more sensitive than that. He ran over, placing a reassuring hand on Jeremie's shoulder.

"It's all right, I promise. It really is fine."


one of the rec rooms phoneskillnoise March 7 2010, 21:54:24 UTC
Neku sat near a window, the floor around him covered in small, square bits of paper. He was doing what he usually did: ignoring others. It wasn't hard to do with his music playing through his headphones. Even if the occasional stray thought was getting past his attempts at blocking, the voices in his head were relatively quiet today ( ... )


deathbypictures March 9 2010, 00:41:46 UTC
Hm... this door looked interesting. Or at least, he hadn't been in here yet, so it was always worth a look, wasn't it?

All the better to get as acquainted with the school as possible.

So he walked right through the door...

...And a plane hit him. Or rather a paper plane. But just saying "plane" had a sort of dramatic air to it, don't you think?

He looked around for the thrower.

"Nice aim you've got there."


phoneskillnoise March 11 2010, 01:10:42 UTC
You would think that after being here for months Neku would be used to all sorts of things. Apparently a man walking THROUGH the door was not one of them. Neku jerked back in surprise, watching as the paper plane hit the man. If he hadn't been so surprised he might have been impressed it the distance.

After a moment of silence for the shock, Neku finally replied bluntly, "Thanks."

Yeah, he had no idea what to make of this guy. Well, he could find out if he peeked into his least he could find out his name.


tsukiyabure March 8 2010, 01:33:30 UTC
Edward was wandering the school, figuring out where everything was located. He didn't have a particular goal or destination in mind other than filling in the blanks in his mental map of the place.

At first he was surprised to see just how accessible the school was -- wheelchair ramps wherever there were shallow staircases, elevators to move between floors -- but then he remembered who the headmaster was. Still, it was something he appreciated. Al would have no problem getting around on his own.


deathbypictures March 9 2010, 00:56:59 UTC
...Do you hear that noise Ed? That just might be the noise of your impending doom...

Seeing the boy he recognized from when he introduced himself to the school, Hughes ran over to him, smiling.

"Yo! Ed!"


tsukiyabure March 9 2010, 00:58:51 UTC
That voice... Ed had the feeling he recognized it. And then he realized whose it was, and he froze, his internal organs congealed in pure and utter terror.

Okay, not quite. But he did stop and glare at Hughes.

"...Mr. Hughes, was it?"


deathbypictures March 10 2010, 01:46:42 UTC
...Now there was a glare to match one of Roy's.

Ah, fond memories.

"Yup! You exploring too?"


Near the courtyard statue confucius_said March 14 2010, 23:56:23 UTC
In most circumstances, Liz was fearless. Driving at break neck speeds in weather worse than hell itself was nothing. Thanks to constantly practicing her Kung Fu and Capoeira, she could easily fight off any assailant and win.

So how was it that a simple class schedule left the normally dauntless teen running with her tail between her legs?

Sitting on the statue ledge with her chin in her hands, Liz brooded about her lack of a real education and how she was going to cope with her classes. "DAMMIT! How the hell am I going to survive Chemistry?!"

With that frustrated yell, she crumpled the schedule and threw it to the ground, or rather at the feet of a certain Chem teacher...


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