Jun 15, 2010 21:23
[POST ONE: Pietro is looking very suave and stylish for the camera.] Hey, ladies, you know it's still not too late to ask me to the dance? There's more than enough of me to go around, and I'm sure you'll have a good time.
[POST TWO looking less suave and more pissed off.]
Okay, I don't know who this gossip girl bitch is, but she's ruining a perfectly good setup.
[ALGYANDMAXXIEBEINGHOMO.JPG (embedded) -- Image of Maxxie and Algy sleeping on each other when Algy was sick.]
I had this figured out first and then she goes spreading it around school! She didn't even use it! Idiot.
[POST THREE still pissed, but more serious and less rant-y.]
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: anybody stupid enough to go off with Magneto deserves whatever they get, so shut up about them already. They're a lost cause. And who gives a fuck about Genosha? Whah whah people died. So what? How many people die every day and nobody gives a shit? You self-righteous assholes just don't want to get painted with the same brush.
pietro maximoff,
!!xavier institute