Being a PSP user, I know how frustrating it is seeing selective colours being used everywhere and I cant do them. So after a whole lot of experimenting, looking at different colour tutorials and tinkering I've found something that almost resembles the real thing. I thought I'd share it with you guys. This is my first tutorial, so be nice.
Program used; Paint Shop Pro X
Translatable; It should be yes.
Mkso this wont work on every image.
Some turn out looking ugly and overly red.
Experimenting is the key ;D
Start with your base.
Fix it up, sharpen, blur, ect.
Dont add any screen or softlight layers yet.
I personally prefer my bases to be about 200x200.
Only because I like to work with space.
Then I resize and add my text last.
But for today, I'll just do the norm ^^;
Duplicate your base.
Change the mode to screen.
My opacity is set to 50% But that may not work for you, so play around with it.
You really just want to lighten it up a bit.
I now want to add a little contrast
Layers >> New Adjustment layer >> Hue/Saturation/Lightness
Hue; 0
Saturation; 10
Lightness; 0
it only needs to be slight.
Now we want that selective colour look.
Layers >> New Adjustment Layer >> Channel Mixer.
Monochrome should be unchecked.
And constant(%) should remain on 0.
Output Channel; RED
red; 175
Green; -95
Blue; -4
Output Channel; GREEN
red; 0
Green; 104
Blue; 0
Output Channel; BLUE
red; -20
Green; 24
Blue; 109
You will need to experiment depending on the intensity you want.
Thats pretty much all. Its rather simple really.
Add a texture and some text and your set.
Let me know what you think.
Comments are love.
I'd love to see what your outcome is.
Annnd I have a question; Whats the new PSP like?
I want to know if its worth getting. Thanks ;D