Begin with a De-anon

Jul 08, 2011 20:05

Hello there, LJ!

I'm mostly going to use you for reading porn. I hope we're all okay with this.

But to begin, fluffy LietPol! (The kink meme is fun.)


With a Smile

Lithuania feels as if he’s the luckiest guy in the world because Poland is smiling at him.

It’s not one of the flirty smiles-those ones are nice, too, but less sincere and loaded with amorous intentions. Lithuania knows that flirty smiles mean it’s okay to tease right back, but it’s also okay to say no if he wants to.

Flirty is playful. Poland will toss him a wink or two or several during a world meeting. Poland will blow him exaggerated kisses from across the room. Flirty is the vixen eyes, the ones that draw Lithuania in regardless of what other things he might have planned.

Flirty is good, but not Lithuania’s favorite.

It’s not the innocent smile, either. There’s a difference in Poland’s real innocence and what he perceives as innocence-this particular smile is all about manipulation. It’s often paired with Poland’s pout, which Lithuania thinks is too cute. Together, this is the most manipulative look in Poland’s arsenal and Lithuania has it secretly classified as a weapon.

It’s all about getting something. That’s okay, though. Lithuania thinks it’s sweet. Poland asks him for all sorts of favors, blinking at him in wide-eyed naivety while twirling a stray hair around his finger. Lithuania has known Poland far too long for these sorts of things to still be effective, but he can’t resist because it’s Poland who is asking.

It’s not Poland’s smirk. The smirk follows both of Poland’s previous expressions and is a sight in and of itself. The smirk means Poland has gotten his way.

Poland is a bit selfish, sometimes. Lithuania doesn’t care.

But when Poland thinks his plans have worked, when he thinks all his acting has given him the result he was after, he smirks. It’s a cute little smug thing. Lithuania thinks it’s adorable.

It’s not even the post-coital easygoing smile. That one is definitely in the top tier-Poland’s glossy hair spread over his pink pillow, his pale skin flushed from exertion and sweat glistening against his body. Poland looks up at Lithuania like he’s a sex god sent from the heavens to please him, his eyes half-lidded and a gentle, relaxed smiled across his lips. It’s an expression of pure contentment.

And Lithuania can never resist those lips. Poland’s body fits so perfectly against his own, the more petite frame still so warm and so… cuddly? Lithuania doesn’t know what it is, but Poland draws him in like a moth to light. He can’t resist. He can never resist.

This particular smile, though, is his favorite by far.

They’re sitting on the veranda overlooking Warsaw, two glasses of red wine on Poland’s small patio table.

Lithuania thinks that perhaps the city below may deserve some of his attention, but he can’t look away from Poland’s face.

This smile is reluctantly tugged from Poland’s face-almost always with a laugh.

His eyes are friendly, even cheerful-not in the same way as his post-coital smile, but in an attentive way. A way that suggests Poland is delighted by Lithuania’s presence. Those eyes dance as they gaze into Lithuania’s own.

Lithuania leans forward and delights in the small blush that flares across Poland’s cheeks.

It’s Poland’s real smile, the one that means he’s happy. Lithuania is always glad to put it there.

with a smile, lithuania, poland, fanfiction, lithuaniaxpoland

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