Glass comes back.

May 08, 2012 22:54

I quit WoW. Just now. That game sucked up SO MUCH of my life.

I'm not saying it's not fun. I'm not saying it's a bad game, because it's not. It was really fun.

But I'd been playing since November. It's May now. That's seven months. My play time on my main character was 27 days total, which is a lot of time in my opinion. The thing that makes me sad ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

champagnesly May 9 2012, 17:24:17 UTC
Welcome back! <3 LJ has...quieted a bit with the tumblr fixation (tumblr is fun, but LJ has its many merits!).

A very very very belated Happy Birthday! Welcome to legality. It is a beautiful and delicious thing.

Internet pronz are always of the good--I am sure the SuFin folks will be happy you have emerged from the depths of WoW :D :D

Boys are good--very good. Feelings are even better. Sly is happy for you! (And maybe a little envious!)

I missed you! Here's to a smutty summer. In all respects.


xglass May 10 2012, 01:24:56 UTC
Tumblr! I have heard of this craziness but have yet to sail my ship. Is it any fun?

Thank you! :) Must say that I actually haven't gone overboard. Mostly it's been nice to be able to order wine at dinner when I want it!

:D SuFin pronz is always in the works! hehe. I am waiting until all my school things are done until I read your most recent SuFin :)

Don't be envious! This one is mine! XD We will have to work on finding you one! <3 Maybe in Iceland! (Saw that post! You'll have a blast!)

I missed you too! :) Hopefully I will be better about not disappearing off the face of the earth!


champagnesly May 10 2012, 02:23:46 UTC
Tumblr is a time suck of epic proportions. It can be fun.

LOL. Sorry, love, 21 is a bit young for me--so you can keep him. I've been working on it--sadly, Iceland won't happen because I'll be with bro and we look so different people just assume we're a couple.

Even when we're in our parents' house. So we've given up.

Disappearing is entirely reasonable!


xglass May 30 2012, 03:31:25 UTC
Boy is being dramatic. I got the "just friends" talk, and then the "it's not you it's me" one, and I'm like... "can't we just date...? so much easier..?" but whatever. :)

I might be getting a job! Woohoo!

Hope you're doing well! :) I really, really hope your new job is working out! <3


Welcome! katierox342 May 11 2012, 16:59:47 UTC
Though I shouldn't say anything.
I've also done a hoodini on LJ. I keep trying to come back, but I get distracted by procrastination.
And Loki.
Lots of Loki.
AND I'M A HUFFLEPUFF! It's official! 8D
Just thought I should let you know since as far as I remember that was the last exchange we had ^^.
Now onto business >:3 Is he cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute? Give us more gossip! And I must say you two certainly chose a good first date. I SO want to see that movie! I might get to on Sunday.
If work doesn't decide they're royally pissed with me...
And now for some reason I want to read up on bio...I'm not even in sciences...

Okay have a good day!



Re: Welcome! xglass May 30 2012, 03:32:29 UTC
Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow! or maybe the day after, yeah.

HUFFLEPUFFS FTW. *peace sign*

Saw Avengers again on Monday! If you haven't seen it, goooo! XD


Sunday seems like a good day to get together katierox342 May 31 2012, 04:06:46 UTC
Sunday's my lazy day so we might have to put that off too...
I STILL WANT TO SEE AVENGERS! At this rate it'll be out for my birthday and I'll know the entire plot from what I've seen on tumblr DX


kestrad May 29 2012, 03:29:14 UTC
GLASS IS BACK! *Tackles with hug* I've missed your awesome pr0nz and delightfully amusing stories :D Congratulations on the boy, and on another year done! Now I second Katie, that is a good choice of a first date! Did you stay to watch the scenes after the credits?

Sorry you didn't find an internship D: But at least you get to kick back and relax for the summer! Probably a good call on the WoW, btw--I can believe how much of a time sink video games are xD


xglass May 29 2012, 03:44:27 UTC

Trying to make a damn story but whoa i am tired. I have a job interview tomorrow sooo I should go to bed lol!!! (Yep! Getting a summer job (hopefully!))

Also, boy gave me the friends talk, which is okay. Weird, but okay. lol.

Um, also resubscribed to WoW... 'cause I wanted too... XD

I hope you're doing well! I have been terrible at checking on everyone. I am just so busy it seems like. So much fun, so little time! ;)

But hopefully I can get this thing posted so you can read something! hehe :)



kestrad May 29 2012, 03:56:57 UTC

Ooh, congratulations! Good luck on your interview, I'm sure you'll rock their socks! ^_^ I'm doing well, but definitely in the same boat as you--so much fun stuff to do, and not enough time to pack it all in!

HP verse fic? :D


xglass May 30 2012, 03:33:30 UTC
I think it went okay! :) I'm looking forward to it! (Having something to do, really. I like having things to do!)

Yes, HP verse fic. I should have gone to be last night and posted it today haha. Silly me!


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