Title: Can't Just Love Anyone
Chapter: 3/?
Pairing: Joon/Mir, Seungho/G.O, Cheondoong/?
Rating: PG - PG13
Summery: As Cheondoong's older sister, Dara is determined to find her little brother a lover. Even if that meant setting up
countless blind dates and surprise meetings.
[o2] ------------------------
A week had officially passed and Cheondoong wasn
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Comments 4
Hehe you're an idiot Doongie!!
TOP volunteered?!? I dont know why Doongie wouldn't want to date TOP?? i date TOP!! XD
Poor Mir!! <33
That's so random? >w<
But soooooo funny! I love this! <3
When do you update? I see, that you wrote this some time ago...?
Pleeeeease, I wanna know how this goes on... or I won't be able to sleep. -.-''
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