Happy May 4th

May 04, 2015 11:53

There's too much stuff happening today, so let's see if I can hit them all:

1. "May the 4th Be With You"

Unofficially today is "Star Wars Day" so to all the Star Wars fans, happy May 4th. I have seen a lot of Star Wars resurgence on Tumblr and people coming out of the woodwork for Star Wars since the extended trailer hit. I guess 2015 is the year ( Read more... )

hannibal, chicago, random

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Comments 7

rhoda_rants May 4 2015, 17:23:53 UTC
1) "Unofficially" nothing--it IS Star Wars Day. And I will split that hat with you, if it comes to it. Daisy is totally a Skywalker. (Although her last name might be "Solo" depending on how that shakes out, but yeah--she's a Skywalker for sure.)

2) Audrey Hepburn! Wait Until Dark is amazing. I also watched part of Roman Holiday not that long ago, and that was mighty impressive. She's so funny in that movie! I forget what a sense of humor and timing she has ( ... )


xerinmichellex May 4 2015, 18:28:09 UTC
1. Noted and I've made the necessary changes. (I'M NOT IN YOUR FANDOM, OKAY? I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON!!!)

After I posted this entry, the article for VF went online and gives some insight into the movie and confirms a couple of the secondary characters. And pictures! Lots and lots of pictures!

2. Roman Holiday is a cute movie. I'm in complete awe that that was Audrey's official movie debut. She's so adorable in that. I also like her in Funny Face, with Fred Astaire. You actually get to hear her real singing voice, unlike in My Fair Lady.

I love Wait Until Dark. Gah! Alan Arkin/Roat is so unnerving in that movie. Heh. I guess Stephen King thought so, too, as he mentions the climax of Wait Until Dark in On Writing. And I love that Arkin says he hated having to frighten Audrey because she was so nice in real life. He's also pretty funny about not getting an Oscar nom for that role, saying, "You don't get one for terrorizing Audrey Hepburn ( ... )


rhoda_rants May 5 2015, 14:48:45 UTC
1) LOL--I'm half-joking about the officially/unofficially thing, but yeah, May 4th is recognized throughout Geekdom is Star Wars Day. No worries. :)


2) I'm in complete awe that that was Audrey's official movie debut.

I know! It's not surprising that she became such a huge star after that. It's rare to find someone that young and inexperienced totally sell it like that, but she did.

3) But when statistically you have more POC getting arrested, abused, and killed by the police, there's a fucking problem. [. . .] It sucks having to keep your mouth shut when they say ignorant things. But sometimes you just can't argue with stupid.Yep. I have nothing further to add on this, just--yep. It's not even that they're straight-up bigoted or racist, but they just don't get it. I think that's almost harder in some ways ( ... )


xerinmichellex May 5 2015, 16:49:13 UTC
1. There are no pics of the original trio (other than Harrison Ford/Han on the cover). The pics are solely with the new additions, and there's a couple behind-the-scene shots.

I'm really surprised we haven't seen anything with Leia, tho. Like, I hope that means she's being a badass and really important to the overall storyline and not just. . . well, we have Rey and that fills our female quota right now!

5. I want to watch Daredevil too! But I don't have Netflix (tho I'm trying to convince my mom to get it since our local video rental place closed up) so I'll have to wait for the DVD's probably. But yes, I've seen people raving about it.

With Orphan Black and Sleepy Hollow, they both have their problems (SH especially last season) but god damn if they aren't more inclusive of the minorities and, OB especially, exploring themes that matter to me as a woman. Yes, Hannibal is gorgeously shot; yes, when it's storytelling is good, it's so good. But. . . it's still a show about two white males that prioritizes them over the POC FBI agent ( ... )


gothrockrulz May 11 2015, 07:32:34 UTC
If she is not a Skywalker/Solo kid, I will go out and buy a hat and eat it.

I agree! She puts me in mind of both Portman and Fisher.

As for the spoilery goodness, I mean to take a peek sometime, but I'm saving it for a day when I really need a pick-me-up.

Just the thought of Audrey Hepburn is uplifting. She was and is a gift. :)

All I know about what's going on in Baltimore is snippets of conversations I end up captioning at my job, and even then, it's severely depressing. Just, wow.

Nurses are severely under-appreciated and over-worked. They are the busy bees that make a hospital run. So, go out and hug and thank a nurse this week.

Hmmm, you're giving me an idea to bake a batch of cookies or something. It's scary to hear tell of just how long hospital shifts can be.


xerinmichellex May 13 2015, 00:49:35 UTC
She puts me in mind of both Portman and Fisher.

RIGHT??!!! If it's at all helpful, JJ Abrams, the director, said that as soon as Daisy Ridley walked into her audition, he said she was "the one" to play this character. Daisy was also asked if she was related to any of the original trio, and she made a pun about being very "solitary" and how that was a clue. !!!

(She better be a Solo/Skywalker kid--so help me!)

Whenever I think of Audrey Hepburn I always get. . . melancholy. Like, she was so beautiful, inside and out, and kind and devoted herself to helping others when she could've stayed in Hollywood. I wish I had an ounce of the kindness she had her entire life. LOL I often think of her as a real life Cinderella (minus the horrible abuse, of course).

It's scary to hear tell of just how long hospital shifts can be.Being an introvert, I used to get wiped out during an 8-hour shift. My mom regularly does a 12-hour shift, 3 - 4 times a week, and sometimes she even has to sacrifice eating lunch if they're too busy. Damn. I couldn't ( ... )


gothrockrulz May 13 2015, 06:48:45 UTC
If it's at all helpful, JJ Abrams, the director, said that as soon as Daisy Ridley walked into her audition, he said she was "the one" to play this character.

That is extremely helpful, indeed.

I wish I had an ounce of the kindness she had her entire life. LOL I often think of her as a real life Cinderella (minus the horrible abuse, of course).

Oh, that is a beautiful mental picture! I wish I could be more genuinely kind as well. I'm nice, but in a cold, distant, need-my-personal-space-way.

My mom regularly does a 12-hour shift, 3 - 4 times a week, and sometimes she even has to sacrifice eating lunch if they're too busy. Damn. I couldn't even imagine doing what she's done for the past 25+ years day in and day out.

Wow, that is a lot of work. Especially if they're busy, and there are uncooperative patients or upset family members to deal with. I can't imagine, I really can't. Your mom and other nurses dealing with that all the time are truly awesome.


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