you probably do. what happened? you didn't steal his Mesopotamian history text from him, did you?
P.S. Roxane gave me a bundle of 'socks-of-questionable-use.' She said they were for you. I wanted to get them to you before the yard sale thing just in case. Apparently these socks have been propagated through 3 different owners in search of "anyone who will USE these things!" That either means that you will clutch them to your bosom and cry out to the harsh, cruel world that YES, you LOVE these socks and they will FOREVERMORE have a home with you and a warm, welcoming place in your heart--or you'll wanna drop'em off at the church. There's not a lot of room for the middle ground with these.
No, he was just having a really bad day I think, and not being able to figure out the work I gave them was the last straw. He seemed to be the same kind of crier I am - he just reached the end of his rope and it all came out over something small. On the upside, I talked him through it witout even thinking about it enough to get frazzled myself, so yay! Possibly I am occasionally slightly good at this. *After* I make them cry.
Are they in reasonably good condition and knee-length? If so, I will almost certainly wear them. :D It not they can just get tossed in at the church and will probably end up at Goodwill - were you planning to drop by at any point tomorrow? Katy will probably show up sometime noon-ish. I will be there from 7 or so onward. ( D: )
In my teaching days I too made children cry. It is never a "feel good" moment.
Notably at one point it was the EDUCATION SYSTEM'S fault. My 10 year old clas were doing their mock English exams and the marking rules say that to achieve Level 3 (10-11 year olds are expected to achieve Level 4 and my class were "High Achievers" expecting Level 5s) a story must have a beginning a middle and an end. The guidance SPECIFICALLY STATES that an unfinished story in this TIMED EXAM for 10-11 year olds does NOT have an end and is therefore a Level 2 NO MATTER HOW GOOD what is there IS.
Consequently a number of my high achievers HAD to get Level 2s and subsequently WEPT BUCKETS.
A more stupid grading system I have never encountered. These exams were a key factor in my QUITTING teaching.
YOU do not say foolish things like, "I want a bush-woman from africa to live with me. She would be grateful for anything she got, know how to treat a man, and would love me." ...that was from a 45 year old black man... a divorcee and father of 4. He works in the prison system and while well-meaning, he's also CHOCK FULL of STUPID THOUGHTS.
Comments 7
I but a bunch of those guys would shove money in it for you. And when you have normalcasual customers, you can stick it under the counter.
I made an eleven-year-old boy cry today, though. Who wins for suck?
P.S. Roxane gave me a bundle of 'socks-of-questionable-use.' She said they were for you. I wanted to get them to you before the yard sale thing just in case. Apparently these socks have been propagated through 3 different owners in search of "anyone who will USE these things!" That either means that you will clutch them to your bosom and cry out to the harsh, cruel world that YES, you LOVE these socks and they will FOREVERMORE have a home with you and a warm, welcoming place in your heart--or you'll wanna drop'em off at the church. There's not a lot of room for the middle ground with these.
Are they in reasonably good condition and knee-length? If so, I will almost certainly wear them. :D It not they can just get tossed in at the church and will probably end up at Goodwill - were you planning to drop by at any point tomorrow? Katy will probably show up sometime noon-ish. I will be there from 7 or so onward. ( D: )
Notably at one point it was the EDUCATION SYSTEM'S fault. My 10 year old clas were doing their mock English exams and the marking rules say that to achieve Level 3 (10-11 year olds are expected to achieve Level 4 and my class were "High Achievers" expecting Level 5s) a story must have a beginning a middle and an end. The guidance SPECIFICALLY STATES that an unfinished story in this TIMED EXAM for 10-11 year olds does NOT have an end and is therefore a Level 2 NO MATTER HOW GOOD what is there IS.
Consequently a number of my high achievers HAD to get Level 2s and subsequently WEPT BUCKETS.
A more stupid grading system I have never encountered. These exams were a key factor in my QUITTING teaching.
You have my sympathies.
How come you never seem to mind six hours of non-stop casual conversation with ME? *smiles sweetly*
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