Series Title: Orion
Pairing: Castiel/Dean
Overall Rating: NC17
Warnings: See each part for specifics. Overall D/s, BDSM practices
Summary: Castiel and Dean are in a Dominant/submissive relationship, and Dean has just been collared.
To You I Bestow - Dean gets collared
In You I Trust - What happens after the collar is given
I Stake My Claim - An evening of marking each other
Happy And Safe - Sam discovers the nature of their relationship (pre-collaring)
Transgressions, Blasphemy And The Unspoken - Dean keeps misbehaving and Castiel comes up with creative punishments.
To The Letter - Castiel begins to control every aspect of Dean's life.
Require Grace, Require Flair - Dean gives Castiel a shave.
Satin Cradles, Bones Bite - Dean and Castiel play in public while Dean wears a corset.
Planting The Seed Of Submission - Pre-Collaring!! Castiel doesn't like it when someone else touches his Dean.
The Nameless Crowd - Castiel pushes Dean's limits by playing in a club.
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