Jun 10, 2007 23:32

A funny thing happened to me on the way to the sea bottom. I drowned.

Pertinent Facts
Name: Cew's fine.
Age: 21
Rating Requests: Xenosaga, never played 'Gears.

Personality Questions
What are your likes/dislikes?: I adore witty jokes and thoughtful movies, books, music. I like music, especially instrumentals. I like cats and pop culture references. I hate Numa Numa, when things don't work, and small furious badgers.

What are your fears/dreams?: ...I'll keep it superficial. I have this fear of getting T-boned in my vehicle. As for what I dream, well... just hope it all ends well, I guess.

What are your favorite hobbies?: Video games, wasting time, reading, writing, doodlin', daydreamin', goofin' off, ranting.

What are your pet peeves?: MPREG. Drama of any kind. Bein' left hangin'. Uhm... annoying people?

Are you a leader or a follower?: I despise the leader role, and as long as it's ethical and not demeaning, I'm content with being a follower. Or, you know, I do my own thing. On rare occasions I'm pushed into a leader role against my will... and I hate it. I'm not cut out to be a leader; I'm too wishy-washy and softspoken.

Describe your personality: I'm cheating! Enneagram type FIVE, FOUR, SIX, ONE. But seriously, I'm a shy cynical self-proclaimed mutable misanthropic 'selfish loner' Virgo thing, ha! I also have this wicked sense of humor, but underneath it all I'm some sort of serious hopeless romantic. *broods*

What would you do if you found $100 on the side of the road and didn't know who it belonged to?: I'll be blunt. I'd keep it. I'd feel a little guilty about it, for only a couple of minutes. But seeing as how life works in mysterious ways, that hundred bucks'll go where it needs to be anyway. Like, I don't know, I'd meet someone who would be in more dire need of that hundred than I, and I'd give it to them. Or my car insurance. xD

saga characters - jin

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