Because it's Apri 13th everywhere else in the world, this is now available at the website:
Chapter 1: Mockingbird Sings, pg 2
Fandom: Superman (anyverse, all verse)
Characters: Clark Kent/Lois Lane + cast of dozens.
Rating: Teen/Mature for sexual content, strong language, & maybe some violence later on.
Superclan is a fancomic about Lois Lane & Clark Kent juggling married life, parenthood & work. Sure, Clark happens to be Superman & Lois happens to be the best investigative reporter living, & together they're on a mission to bring down Luthor corruption but that's cake compared to midnight projectile poops, well-meaning (superhero) friends, & triplicate forms to the HOA for the multitude of home renos they need to do to their condo this year.
Updated every 3 weeks.