Apache acquired a buttload of onshore Texas leases from another company, and beaucoup copying comes with every acquisition. Who got tapped to copy? ME
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He's purring on my lap, trying to decide whether to go to sleep or pester me for outside time. I vote for the former, since it won't involve mosquito spray.
Everything nominal . . . he has discovered a taste for Gerber meat sticks which we encourage.
He hasn't voluntarily drunk plain water in more than a month, and he just drank quite a bit of rainwater that was puddling in planks on our deck. Go Dennis!
My Indian just quit on me. I have no idea why. (Via e-mail, by the way. Classy.)
Sheesh. Three down . . .
On the up side, Dennis is still with us. Right now, he's cheesed since I fired about 12 ml of Pedialyte down him, a process of which he disapproves heartily and vigorously.