Devil Ride 37/?

Dec 26, 2010 15:57

Title: Devil Ride
Author: xenalvr
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Disclaimer: CBS, P&G, Telenext et. al. own these characters, not me.

This story is set in an alternate universe, where Natalia Rivera's history and timeline are greatly altered. Most of Olivia Spencer's history remain intact. It contains adult themes and language, and deals with the sex industry, which might not be to everyone's taste, so please do NOT proceed if you are not of age or if any of that might offend you.

I've decided not to worry too much about pre-Otalia plotline discrepancy as this is an AU after all.


Olivia blew out a breath when the hour long staff meeting wrapped up. She had a long day ahead of her, partly because her day had started out a tad later than usual. She had woken up to find a note from Natalia in place of her person, and its short, one-line content had put a permanent smile on her face. Then Emma had come into her room and they had had time for a fun, leisurely breakfast before she sent Emma to school as the school bus driver hadn't been notified of her return.

Emma had been so excited to see her friends again, and couldn't wait to tell them about her adventures. Olivia felt guilty for having disrupted her daughter's school term even though Emma had been keeping up with her schoolwork while she was at Sam's. She had made sure that Emma knew it was all right to inform her if she was having any trouble with her schoolwork--not that Emma seemed to care very much about it; it was nearing the festive season with Thanksgiving only a few days away.

Leaning back in her chair, Olivia flexed her left hand and frowned at its discomfort. Then she rolled her eyes and smirked to herself when she realised the reason for it. She covered her eyes as she shook her head, feeling slightly embarrassed but, at the same time, pleased with herself.

'I'll be thinking of you the entire day... and then some,' Natalia's note had read.

Olivia picked up her cell and quickly wrote a message to Natalia, feeling like a giddy teenager when she did so. She had had countless love affairs and a few volatile relationships but none of them compared to what she now had with Natalia. The matching intensity, passion and yearning that they seemed to share for each other was intoxicating, at the very least. Who would have thought? Olivia Freakin' Spencer finally knew what it felt like to be content, to want someone as much as they wanted her.

Loving and being loved by Natalia was quite unlike anything she had ever known.

Olivia closed her eyes briefly and tried to push the thoughts of Natalia to a sacred spot in her head so that she might concentrate on her day. She had an important meeting with an interested restaurant owner at Towers shortly, as well as one with Robert later in the afternoon. The thought of Mallet made her frown; no one messed Olivia Spencer and the people she loved, and got away with it. No one. She hoped to resolve that problem as quickly as possible. It would not do to have his dark presence hanging around Natalia for too long.

A knock on her door made her look up, then glance at her wristwatch. "Come in," she called out.


Olivia's heart flipped pleasantly in her chest when a familiar dark head poked in. Dressed casually, Natalia's hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, and she was wearing large, hooped earrings. Her effortless beauty made Olivia sigh. "Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked, getting up from her chair.

Natalia walked into the office after pulling the door close behind her. "I was... in the area?" she said lightly, playfully. "I won't keep you. I spoke to Buzz and he was concerned about what I told him about Mallet... I'm not sure he fully believed me, but..." Natalia shrugged when she came to a stop in front of Olivia, loosely tangling their fingers of one hand together. "Whatever. I could leave after the breakfast crowd thinned out, so I did."

"That's that, I suppose," Olivia murmured, already distracted from their conversation by Natalia's proximity. "I was just thinking about you."

Natalia's impish grin made Olivia's lips quirk. "I know. I got your text. That's how I knew you weren't really that busy. It motivated me to come disturb you."

"Oh, I've been told that I can be... motivational," Olivia said slowly, her eyes falling on Natalia's lips. "Feel free to be motivated to surprise me, whenever you want, in whatever way you want." Her voice was soft and a tad scratchy. The atmosphere was charged, as it usually was when it was just the two of them.

Natalia gave a mock gasp. "Are you propositioning me, Ms. Spencer?" she asked coyly, resting her free hand on Olivia's shoulder, and lightly stroking her neck with her fingers. Then she replaced her fingers with her lips, and Olivia's eyes fell shut briefly as she breathed in Natalia's scent. "I like it when you try to be all bad and seductive," Natalia whispered, making Olivia smile again.

"You know, you and I can never work together. We'd never get any work done," Olivia said a tad breathlessly when the feeling of want that was always on a low simmer whenever she wasn't with Natalia slowly rose to a boil. "And you know what? While my hotel crumbles around us, I'd still be smiling in the rubbles if you were there with me."

Natalia pulled back slightly and Olivia looked into amused brown eyes when Natalia said, "That might just be one of the most romantic things anyone's ever said to me." Then Natalia tilted her head and narrowed her eyes playfully. "Then again, I don't know many people who own hotels."

Olivia snorted. "I knew there must be something that you liked about me," she said jokingly, then regretted her words as soon as they left her lips. She felt an imperceptible shift in Natalia's mood and looked searchingly at her. "Apart from my winning good looks and witty personality," she continued, gratified when Natalia smiled. But then Natalia moved away, and Olivia felt the loss of their contact.

"About what you suggested last night... working for you, under Greg?" Natalia said when she sat down in one of the two chairs in front of Olivia's desk. "I... thought about it on the way back and while I really, really appreciate the opportunity..."

Olivia went to sit down in her chair as well, already knowing what was coming by the way Natalia phrased her words.

"... I don't think it's the right time for me to take you up on it. I hope you understand," Natalia said, leaning forward and resting her arms on the desk. "Maybe in a few months... half a year? If the position is still available, and you still think I'm the right person for the job, then I'd be happy to give it a shot. But of course, I'd understand if you found someone else. I hope you do... because I want more time with you too," Natalia finished sweetly, giving Olivia no chance to lament at her decision.

Olivia nodded. "Okay."

"Okay," Natalia echoed before standing up. "Would you... I was thinking of cooking tonight. You got all those stuff the other day but didn't get to cook. Would you mind if I used them?" she asked shyly.

Olivia smiled warmly. "Of course I don't mind. I never say no to a homecooked meal," she said, following Natalia's approach around her desk with her eyes. She swivelled in her chair and looked up when Natalia came to stand in front of her. "I'll ring the kitchen to let them know that you'll be going down to use it."

"That'll be great, thanks," Natalia said, smiling when Olivia caught hold of her hands on either side of her and pulled her closer. "Emma and I will be waiting for you when you get home then," she said softly.

Olivia let a feeling of warmth engulf her from inside out at Natalia's words. "Best thing I've heard all day."

Natalia peered at her through her lashes. "Really?"

Olivia nodded, then frowned. "Only because you have yet to say my name today," she said flirtatiously, then mentally rolled her eyes at her behaviour.

Natalia chuckled. "Well then... Emma and I will be waiting for you when you get home, Olivia... Better?"

Olivia made a show of sucking in a breath and considering. "Mm." Then she let out a soft whimpered when Natalia placed her lips beside her ear. Natalia's voice was low and smooth when she whispered, "I love you, Olivia. I'll see you later."

Then Natalia was gone, and Olivia thought her heart might never know how it felt like to beat regularly again.


Towers had been surprisingly empty when Olivia had gotten there. Her lunch meeting with Mr. Hsiao had gone rather well. The man co-owned an Italian fine dining restaurant in Chicago and was looking to break into the Springfield market. His proposition had come at the right time; it went in sync with Olivia's plans to put Beacon's restaurant space up for bid. They were nowhere close to sealing the deal, but Olivia was rather impressed with what they had talked about.

Oivia stifled a yawn as she glanced at her wristwatch. She had deliberately arranged for Robert to meet her at Towers in case her meeting with Mr. Hsiao took longer than expected. The reverse was true, however, and Olivia saw that she had some time to burn before Robert showed up. She waved a waiter over, placed an order for a cappuccino, and requested for the papers. If she didn't get any calls from Greg, she figured she would go back to her suite a little earlier than planned. She couldn't wait to hear about Emma's first day back at school, as well as sample Natalia's cooking for the first time.

"I hope your boss doesn't know that you're out having coffee instead of being at your desk."

Olivia looked up to see Gus smirking at her. "I won't tell on you if you don't tell on me," she replied, a smile playing on her lips.

Gus acknowledged her response with a grave nod. "I'm waiting for my doggy bag. Mind if I sit down for a bit?" he asked, then slid into the seat across from Olivia when she nodded affably. He loosened his tie and blew out a breath. "I hate these things," he grumbled goodnaturedly. "I just had lunch with the Chief of Police. What's your excuse?"

"Transition time between meetings," Olivia replied, looking away distractedly when her coffee arrived. "Would you like anything?"

Gus thought for a moment, then placed a coffee order with the expectant looking waiter. "So," he said when they were alone again, "How's everything since I saw you at Buddha Bar?"

Olivia smiled. "Good. Emma's come home."

"Oh, that's great news!" Gus said, leaning forward in his seat. "You know, we should arrange a little excursion for our children one day. I'm sure Emma would love spending time with my boys."

Olivia lifted her brows and nodded. "That sounds lovely. Natalia mentioned that she talked to you about the possibility of hanging out with Rafe on a regular basis." She saw something flit across Gus's face at that, and her curiosity was immediately piqued. Not wanting to seem too interested, she said, "How're you and Rafe dealing with the whole Natalia thing anyway, Gus?"

Gus blew out a breath. "Rafe seems to like her and... so do I..." he trailed off, looking a little unsure if he should continue. A waiter brought a brown paper bag over and Gus received it with a nod.

"But?" Olivia prompted.

Gus let out a short, nervous chuckle, then shook his head. "Well, Harley isn't too happy with her sudden presence, and honestly, I'm not sure that I'm too comfortable with Rafe spending too much time with her." At Olivia's indignant look, Gus hurried on to explain, "Don't get me wrong. I like her, I do. But... you have to agree that her past is... complicated."

"Like you say, that's her past," Olivia said stiffly. "We all have a past, Gus. None of us can hardly qualify as saints."

Gus looked unconvinced. "I'm not opposed to the idea of her seeing Rafe at all. She is his mother, after all. But I'm not sure if making it a regular thing might be jumping the gun. I'm already having a hard enough time convincing Harley to let Rafe see Natalia at all."

Olivia's brows furrowed. "Harley knows about Natalia's past?"

Gus shook his head. "No, I didn't tell her. She just has her reservations, that's all," he finished weakly. "I'll talk to her again. In the meantime, I'll be more comfortable if Natalia didn't spend time with Rafe alone."

Olivia couldn't help bristling at what Gus was saying, but she held her temper in check. It would serve no purpose if she lost her cool. "What about with Emma?" she asked suddenly.

Gus gazed at Olivia questioningly. "What do you mean?"

"What if Rafe hangs out with Natalia, myself and Emma? Would you be more comfortable with that?" Olivia asked a tad scathingly.

Gus studied Olivia's face for a long moment as he stirred his coffee. "I suppose that'd be fine..." he said. "I'm sorry, Olivia. I know you two have gotten to be close. It's just... Rafe is my son. I know that Natalia's his birth mom but I was the one who raised him..." Gus cleared his throat, thought for a moment, then said, "Put yourself in my shoes. Say you and I had a past. Our paths cross again after ten years, and I find out that Emma's my daughter. I tell you that I have been forced to live a shady life up till recently. I ask to spend time with Emma regularly. Wouldn't you have reservations about that?"

Olivia pinched the bridge of her nose while she thought. Then she finally blew out a breath and reluctantly nodded. "I get what you're trying to say."

"I guess I just need some time before I can make that sort of arrangement with her. I'm open to Rafe spending time with her but I'd prefer if we take things slow. Build up a relationship of some sort."

Again, Olivia nodded reluctantly. She felt like she was betraying Natalia in a way by agreeing with Gus but she could also see where he was coming from. He knew next to nothing about Natalia. "How about you talk to Natalia about spending time with her and Rafe? That way, you can get to know her and see for yourself that she's a wonderful person."

Gus rubbed his nose ruefully. "That's where Harley would have a problem..." he said hesitantly. Olivia rubbed her temple, feeling the onset of a headache. "Sorry, I really shouldn't lay all this on you," Gus said sheepishly.

Olivia shook her head. "No, I want to help." She tried to put a smile on her face while her mind raced for more ideas. "How about... you and Harley and the boys come spend next weekend at the Beacon? That way, you guys can get to know Natalia, and Natalia can have time with Rafe. Emma would love the company too."

Gus chewed on his lower lip while he thought. "That sounds like an idea. I'll have to talk to Harley about it though. Can I get back to you about it?" He gave her an assessing look. "You're a great friend, Olivia," he said softly. "With you vouching for Natalia this way, well... she must be a decent person."

Olivia nodded. "She is. She's a warm, beautiful, loving person. Rafe and you should be so lucky to have her as a part of your life," she stated honestly. "I know Emma and I feel that way about her."

Gus breathed out heavily through his nose and nodded. "I'm glad we had this chat, Olivia. I'll give you a call about next weekend?" At Olivia's nod, he added, "I'll give Natalia a call too." He pushed his now empty glass of drink away from him and sighed. "I'd better get back to the station."

"Have a good afternoon, Gus," Olivia said politely. "And trust me. After you get to know Natalia, you won't have a problem with Rafe being around her at all."

"I hope so, Olivia," Gus said, laying hand on Olivia's shoulder to give her a light, affectionate squeeze before he left. "I hope so."


Olivia side-stepped a small crowd of people in the Beacon's lobby and managed to get to the lift unscathed. It was going to be a busy few days, with today being the start of a three-day anime convention. The hotel was already fully booked till the next week, and it was only the beginning of the week. She wondered if Greg had contacted the papers to advertise for an assistant, like they had discussed during the meeting this morning. She had a feeling that they might need one fairly soon; she wasn't about to spend twenty-hour days at the office or at meetings instead of with Natalia and Emma.

Olivia hurried into her office and booted up her laptop, wanting to make sure that she had no urgent emails waiting for her before she went off for the day. Scanning through her inbox, she caught sight of an email from Ava and clicked on it, smiling when she read that her older daughter was having a good time in Switzerland, where she had been for the last six weeks for work. She sat herself down to write a reply, but thought better of it and told Ava to give her a call when she was able. Come to think of it, it had been a while since she had last spoken to Ava. So many things have happened in that time--things that Olivia didn't think she wanted to communicate over an email.

Her meeting with Robert had been interesting, to say the least. She was looking forward to telling Natalia about what she had found out, but that conversation would probably have to wait till Emma had gone to bed. Now that she knew a moment of rest, Olivia felt a little out of breath after the kind of day she had had. She glanced at the time and wondered if she would find Natalia in the hotel kitchen or in the suite. Emma wasn't going to be back for another hour. If she was lucky, she might find Natalia in the bath...

Shaking her head at her recently acquired one-track mind, Olivia let herself out of her office. But the self-reprimand did not stop her from hurrying towards the lift that led up to her suite.


A/N: I probably won't have time to update for a bit, so this is a long one to tide everyone by... :p Happy Christmas or Boxing Day!

guiding light

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