Devil Ride 18/?

Nov 09, 2010 23:10

Title: Devil Ride
Author: xenalvr
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Disclaimers: This AU story contains adult themes and language, and deals with the sex industry, which might not be to everyone's taste, so please do NOT proceed if you are not of age or if any of that might offend you. It is rated NC-17.

All characters from Guiding Light do not belong to me. All the other characters do, however, so please leave them alone. This story is set in an alternate universe, where Natalia Rivera's history and timeline are greatly altered. Most of Olivia Spencer's history remain intact at this point.

I've decided not to worry too much about pre-Otalia plotline discrepancy as this is an AU after all.

A/N: I'll be going away for a week so I might not update as much as I like, if at all... just so you know... :)


Natalia took the soggy salmon sandwich into the kitchen. "Buzz, someone returned... are you okay?" Natalia frowned at her new employer, who was bracing himself up with his hands on the kitchen bench. His face was pale. She quickly placed the plate in her hand on the counter next to him and peered at him in concern. "Do you need me to get you anything? You should sit down."

"I'm fine. I just... I'll be fine," Buzz said, shaking his head.

"Are you sure?" Natalia asked, unsure if she should take his word for it. "You don't look too good."

Buzz wiped a hand across his forehead. "I might have to close up for the day. I think I need to go lie down," he said finally. "Don't worry, I'll pay you for your full shift."

Natalia shook her head. "Don't worry about that. Do you want me to take you to the doctor's or something?"

"I'll be fine. It's the same bug my daughter has, I think. I just need to go lie down." He paused for a moment and grimaced. "I know you've never closed up before but do you think you could clear the tables when everyone out there is done, make sure the lights are off, and lock the doors behind you?" He reached into his back pocket for a bunch of keys, checked that it was the right bunch, and handed it to her.

"Yeah, sure. But are you sure you can drive?" Natalia asked, taking the keys from Buzz and sticking them in her pocket. "I can call you a cab or get someone to come get you."

"I'll get Marina to come get me. You'll be okay closing up on your own? Sorry about this, Natalia," Buzz said, and Natalia smiled sympathetically. Even though she had only just started working at Company for a few days, it was evident that Buzz was a great boss and she liked working at the family restaurant.

"I'll be fine," she assured him.

"Blake's got her own keys to open up tomorrow morning so if you could drop by anytime with my keys, it would be great," Buzz said before his face went a shade paler. "Okay. I... need the toilet."

Natalia grimaced in sympathy as she watched Buzz hurry away. Then she remembered the soggy salmon sandwich and sighed. The customer would have to get a refund. She exited the kitchen and went to explain the situation. Her face broke into a tentative smile at the sight of Gus and Raphael walking into the restaurant.

"Natalia," Gus said, looking surprised at the sight of her. "I didn't know you worked here."

"We're actually closing up for the day because Buzz isn't feeling too good," Natalia said regretfully, her eyes not leaving Raphael even though she was speaking to Gus. "I started work here a few days ago."

"Hey, you're the lady from the other day," Raphael piped up. Natalia nodded and bestowed a dimpled smile on him, charmed that he actually remembered her. "This is my Dad," he said, pointing at Gus, who had a hand on his son's dark head.

"Rafe, this is Natalia," Gus said, looking from Raphael to Natalia. "She's a... friend of mine." He seemed caught offguard and Natalia wasn't sure how to proceed herself either.

"Nice to meet you," Natalia said finally, sticking a hand out and felt all sorts of emotions stirring inside her chest when Raphael put his smaller hand in hers for a brief handshake. The smile on his face tugged at her heartstrings. "You don't have the cheese touch, do you?" she asked in a conspiratorial voice, much to his delight.

"Nah, I've been avoiding Sean," he replied, chortling. "He's stuck with it. The whole class is avoiding him!"

Gus snorted. "I can't believe you know what the cheese touch is," he said, shaking his head. "We'll let you get back to work then, Natalia. Rafe and I have to go somewhere else to grab dinner for the rest of the family." He seemed to consider for a moment before saying, "The boys and I are thinking of going on a picnic tomorrow, though. Would you like to join us if you don't have any plans?"

"Mom's sick," Raphael announced with a shrug. "And Dad doesn't want us to disturb her. You should come. You're cool." He nodded at Natalia.

Natalia took a deep breath and nodded, trying to keep her emotions in check. Hearing Raphael call someone else 'Mom' wrenched her heart. She knew she was being silly though, so she quickly shoved the feeling aside while keeping her smile on her face. "I would love to." She would take any chance she could to spend time with Raphael.

"Great! I'll give you a call in the morning to tell you where and when," Gus said. Then, almost like an afterthought, he added, "You should ask Olivia along too, if she's free. We haven't seen Emma in a really long time."

"But Dad, Emma's a girl!" Raphael said in a loud whisper. He turned to Natalia with an aggrieved look on his face. "Girls are crybabies," he stated matter-of-factly.

Gus gazed at Raphael, amusement dancing in his eyes. "I'm sure Emma's not a crybaby, Rafe. Moreover, Natalia's a girl too!"

Raphael frowned at his father like he was an exceptionally slow child. "Natalia's a lady, Dad. It's different."

Natalia wondered how Raphael--or Gus, for that matter--would react if she cried there and then. "I'll ask Olivia, but Emma's out of town at the moment." She watched Gus slap a hand to his forehead at the reminder of Emma's absence. "I'll see you two tomorrow then. I'd better let the customers know what's going on," Natalia said, suddenly alarmed at the possibility of bursting into tears before them.

"Bye, Natalia!" Raphael said, giving her a quick smile and wave before he and Gus left. Natalia stared after them for a long moment before she snapped out of her stupor and went back to what she was doing. Her mind, however, remained on the memory of Raphael's smile and wave.


Natalia didn't want to call Olivia because she really wanted to do so.

After Olivia and she had left the Beacon the day they had met up with Gus at the Beacon, they had spent the day at a gazebo in the park. She knew that it was contradictory, and it probably wouldn't make sense to many people, but the more time she spent with Olivia, the less she wanted to be around her because it scared her how much more time she wanted with her.

"Why are you so good to me?"

She had asked Olivia that once, in the night, snuggled up against the woman in her bed. She wasn't sure why Olivia's answer mattered so much for her to ask the question again, but she had felt compelled, as though it would settle the unexplained restlessness in her mind.

"Because..." Olivia had faltered, and for a moment Natalia thought she would evade the question again, but she didn't. "I don't think it could be any other way." It wasn't an elaborate answer, but its stark honesty and simplicity had taken Natalia's breath away. "It feels right."

Whenever she was around Olivia, she just wanted to curl up next to her and breathe her in. She wanted to run her fingers through her silky hair and kiss her senseless. She wanted to hear her voice and let its warm, husky tenor wash over her. It was crazy and maddening and confusing.

"Why do you trust me?" Olivia had asked her in return.

It had been chilly. Natalia could recall the way the late afternoon sun had slanted into the gazebo, the way Olivia had studied her with those stunning eyes of hers. She wasn't sure if it had always been this way, but she could no longer meet Olivia's eyes for an extended period of time without feeling self-conscious and warm. It had been a disturbing realisation.

"I don't know." It might have sounded like a cop out of an answer but it was the truth. "I don't think it even crossed my mind that I couldn't," she had added, almost as though she had been surprised at Olivia's question.

They had fallen silent after that and Natalia had distracted herself with her sandwich while sneaking peeks at Olivia, who seemed to look so... beautiful no matter what she did. Despite having been intimate with Olivia--or perhaps because of it--Natalia had felt nervous even at the idea of holding Olivia's hand. It was ridiculous. Ridiculous but true. And confusing as hell.

"What?" Olivia had asked after a time with a faint smile on her lips. At Natalia's questioning look, Olivia had rolled her eyes. "Why do you keep looking at me?" she had clarified her query in a soft, affectionate tone.

Even now, Natalia's stomach flipped pleasantly at the memory of Olivia directing that tone of voice at her, and she couldn't stop the smile that curved her lips.

"I'm not," she had protested.

"Let's not start lying to each other now. We've had quite a blameless record so far," Olivia had responded and it had been another revelation for Natalia.

"I think you're beautiful."

There was the sun, the shade, Olivia, and her racing heart.

"I think you are, too."

There was the sun, the shade, Olivia's warm, husky voice, and her shaky insides.

"I think I want to kiss you and I'm not sure how you'll feel if I did."

There was the sun, the shade, Olivia's intent gaze, and her very dry mouth.

"I think I've been wanting to kiss you since the moment we stepped into the elevator."

There was only Olivia and her lips on hers, fuelling her mind with a kaleidescope of colours, robbing her of her breath.

Natalia's eyes fluttered shut at the memory as she locked Company up behind her. She stuffed the bunch of keys that Buzz had left with her into her bag and pulled her jacket tight around her. She didn't want to call Olivia because she really wanted to do so. But like the way Olivia was good to her, and like the way she trusted Olivia, it was beyond her control.

Natalia flipped open her cell and dialled Olivia's number.


guiding light

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