fic: Devil Ride 1/?

Oct 16, 2010 13:54

Title: Devil Ride
Author: xenalvr
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Disclaimers: This AU story contains adult themes and language, and deals with the sex industry, which might not be to everyone's taste, so please do NOT proceed if you are not of age or if any of that might offend you. It is rated NC-17.

All characters from Guiding Light do not belong to me. All the other characters do, however, so please leave them alone. This story is set in an alternate universe, where Natalia Rivera's history and timeline are greatly altered. Most of Olivia Spencer's history remain intact.

If you've seen any of my work, you'll know that I'm not well-versed in pre-Otalia plotline, and I will try to make as little reference to it as possible, but if you spot any discrepancies, please let me know.


It was going to be a cold night. Natalia Rivera gave her immaculately made up reflection another look, pursed her lips, shook her dark mane of hair, and left the apartment. She gave the wad of gum in her mouth one last chew before using it to stick her apartment key to the top of the doorframe. Then, zipping her leather jacket up to her neck, she went down the stairs to walk a few blocks to the street she worked on.

Fall would soon move into winter; there was a bite in the wind and Natalia shivered, hugging herself with her arms. She unzipped her jacket reluctantly to reveal her scantily dressed body underneath as she turned to face the oncoming traffic with a smile that did not reach her dark eyes. After a time, a black sedan slowed and a tinted window rolled down. Natalia shoved the idyllic thought that all the cars seemed to ooze the same kind of sleaze when they prowled the streets aside as she peered into the vehicle with a flash of dimples. Before long, she slid herself into the car and it merged into the busy night traffic of Chicago city.


It hadn't been an easy life for Natalia. Born into a strictly Catholic family, Natalia did not score too many points when her parents found out about her teen pregnancy. She would always remember that her parents were far more enraged over the fact that she would not obey their wishes to have the baby aborted than having actually fallen pregnant.

Ill-equipped to take care of herself in a world so different from her sheltered upbringing, she had first slept in homeless shelters, then on park benches, and had even resorted to loitering around various fast food joints for people's leftovers. There had been close to no job opportunities, and the ones that she had interviewed for went to people who were better dressed or qualified than her.

The last time she had seen her parents was when she was lying in a hospital bed, being told that her child was a stillborn. Her parents had tried to get her to go home with them after that but she could not imagine living with people who were more relieved than anything at her predicament and had provided no comfort whatsoever on the worst day of her life.

That was where she had met Maria, a girl not much older than herself at the time. Maria had gone through a miscarriage and was bunked in next to her in the tiny hospital room. She had gone to live with Maria, sharing her tiny bed in a crowded apartment and, after a time, began dancing at the strip club her friend had worked at. From there, it had been a skip and hop to what she did now.

"Here's good," she said brusquely when she caught sight of a familiar street sign, annoyed at having lost herself in old, best forgotten memories. She knew the reason why, however; if Raphael--the hospital councellor had encouraged her to name her stillborn child so as to mourn him better--was alive, he would turn ten today. Natalia shoved the thought to the back of her head and slammed a fortified door on it.

She gave the john a quick smile before she hopped out of his car, rolling her eyes at the last grope he tried to sneak in before she exited. After tonight, she would be putting this life behind her. She had saved up enough money to move, get a place of her own, and enrol in college; the long hours of self-education would finally pay off. She was looking forward to a fresh start; she was sick of this city.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed a car pulling up beside several girls but not picking anyone up. A shopper. Natalia frowned. In her opinion, they were the worst kind of customers. Even though she knew what her job consisted of, shoppers made her feel like more of an object, if that was possible. So when the car pulled up to where she was, she spun on her heels and began walking away.

"Excuse me?"

Natalia swung her head around, surprised at the female voice addressing her. She had been mistaken. Peering into the car, she automatically reached for the lock of hair that always fell forward when she leaned down like that and tucked it behind her ear. "Are you lost?" she asked, noticing a map of some sort lying on the empty passenger seat. "Where're you trying to get to?"

The woman eyed her speculatively and Natalia swore she could hear a click sound right before the woman's demeanor changed and she tilted her head and slanted her eyes at her. "So. How does this work?"

Her voice was rich and a tad husky, and it spilled over Natalia like warm honey. She frowned slightly, genuinely confused. "How does what work?"

"I'd like your company for a night," the woman said bluntly. Natalia detected a slight tremor in her voice. "Would you like to get in?" The question was asked with a raised brow and a sensual curving of lips, causing Natalia to wonder if she had dreamed up the tremor of uncertainty.

Natalia stared at the woman blankly and blinked several times as her mind raced for an answer.

"I'm good for it, if that's what you're worried about."

There was a note of resignation in the sardonic statement. Natalia wasn't sure what possessed her but she nodded. "Sure." The soft exhalation of breath had been so slight that Natalia almost missed it. It intrigued her; the entire situation intrigued her. She slid into the car quickly and placed the map by her booted feet.

"So, how does this work?" the woman asked again when Natalia turned to face her.

"Well," Natalia said, drawing out the word as she strapped herself in the seat, her head still trying to catch up with her actions, "driving away from here would be a good start."


guiding light

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