I've already commented on this, but I feel the need to say again how awesome this is. And yes, I actually own a folder with that dolphin picture on it. It was only a little while ago that I looked at that folder and suddenly realized HOW PAINFULLY SUGAR SWEET ADORABLE IT WAS. xD
Again, you are awesome. This is awesome, and what the heck is Scotty drinking? xD
Wow, this takes me back to elementary school days, when everyone had Lisa Frank folders except for me. :( I led a sad life. I love Chekov's reaction, although I must say I disagree--dolphins are way cooler than tigers. :)
Comments 6
Again, you are awesome. This is awesome, and what the heck is Scotty drinking? xD
Yet another reason you are awesome. And good grief, Scotty is adorable.
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