§13 [The Wave Of Love] III

Mar 25, 2012 21:25

Title: PART 3 [The Navy shower and The Tie]
Collection: Heat of Hawaii
Author: xcsimisiax
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Danny {but other characters regularly appear}
Summary: “Screw you, Goof.” [Danny 2 Steve]
Content of Note: Drama & erotic, hands and mouths involved.
Warnings: Hmm english isn't my mother language, so remember about this, okay? lol
Rating: NC-17.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't own'em, just borrowed'em to play with. No infringement is intended.

After The NAVY shower, 3 minutes top, Steve and Danny met on the bedroom, cargo pants backed on Steve's firm ass, and tie showed up around Danny's white collar. Still untied. The only one reason, why they could do this that fast, was that Steve took the shower as a first one. When Steve was in the bathroom, Danny prepared for him a light breakfast, he knew that Steve didn’t eat something a day before, so even he had a hangover and felt unwell cuz of that, he still had to eat something. A magic mixture from Kame was only an emergency call for a headache and a nausea, but Steve needed to feed himself and it was Danny’s call to take care of this. Why? Cuz Danny knew Steve like no one else before and ever in future. He was sure, that Steve wouldn't think even about eatin', he would just come to the kitchen and drink a coffee.

„Not on my watch, not a chance.” Danny murmured under his nose. Jersey looked at him and twisted her head. She carefully observed, how Danny walked around kitchen, prepared a breakfast for his man and then left it on the table, with a hot mug of Steve's favorite Italian coffee. He's sure, that Steve, with a watch in his hand, would show up downstairs exactly after 5 minutes. The Navy shower took 3 of them, rest he needed to dressed and cleaned his teeth. Danny had a hope that Steve wouldn't shave his 5 o'clock shadow, cuz he loved to feel it on his cheeks, when he snuggled to Steve's face, and hid himself into the crook of Steve's neck. Danny couldn't say, when exactly roles in the house changed between the two of them, but it happened and now, when he thought about this, it made him smile. Danny took a mug of coffee for himself and looked through the window at the ocean. When he's sippin' his coffee, with big sighs of pleasure, Jersey came closer to him and pulled her head in his thigh. Danny looked down with dreamy smile and stroked her head, and for that simple move, he got a look of love back, which warmed his heart. He's in love with this dog, since he saw her for the first time on the beach. Every time when he watched Steve with Jersey, his heart simple melted. This dog was a first proof of Steve's love. He just couldn't look at Danny's pain, when he had to leave Jersey in the shelter, so he drove there and brought her back. He did this for Danny.

Danny still was strokin' their dog's head, when he backed to his thought about changes in their house and in his behavior. In past Danny's the one, who never cared much about food or cleanin' a house. After divorce Danny lost his ability to care about stuffs like that. When he still lived in Jersey, he rented a motel room, where he spent mostly his time on talkin' with his brother and drinkin' a beer. He simple didn't care about other stuffs besides his work and his daughter. Without his brother, Matt, he probably wouldn't survive this rough time. He's broken and completely shattered, but he's also scared that his ex-wife could take their daughter away. And she did. To Hawaii. Now after almost 2 years, Danny was grateful for that, even at the beginning he hated idea of livin' on Hawaii, a miserable island, like he loved to call it. When Steve for the first time saw his rented flat, he wanted to call a Nanny 911, when he realized that Danny had a daughter and probably brought her from time to time to this awful place. It was only a joke, but still, truth was that Danny simple didn't care about place where he lived, food what he ate, and cleanin'. It's like Danny just escaped from a simple, organized life, cuz that life reminded him too much about past, and marriage with Rachel, when he was happy and sure, that it'd stay like this for ever.

Steve knew that mess and disorder, what Danny brought to his house since they started to live together, wasn't a way to drive pedantic Steve crazy. That's just the way, who Danny's. And even sometimes Danny made him almost scream, when he left his wet clothes and towel on the bathroom's floor or when he left all around boxes with leftovers of the Chinese food, Steve loved him the way he's, without a second thought, without some kind of hesitation. Moment, when Danny disowned of Steve in their kitchen months back, even Steve forgave him this, what happened there, still for Danny that's a real turning point of his life. Moment from which one there’s no way back, nothing was the same anymore and never could be again.

The most important was, that Danny started to show his care about Steve. It's not like he didn't care of him before, he did, of course he did, but Danny didn't care much about expressin' his feelings, makin' statements or did some kid of proofs of love. Steve felt that Danny loved him, he could guess this from Danny's behavior, but that's all. Danny was good in expressin' thoughts, no doubt, he always did this loud and clear, but when it came to feelings, it always brought troubles. Probably reason was, that his dear ex-wife broke his heart twice, and he couldn't let himself to be that naive anymore in love life. He needed to protect himself, even it could mean, that he would be alone till the end of his life. But then Steve happened. He kicked his life upside down, and when Steve kissed Danny in middle of the kitchen, nothing was the same anymore. Danny didn’t take it easy, he fought with himself, with Steve, with this, what that feeling did with his life, for a moment he truly wanted just to back off. He was terrified by strength of that feeling, but it was Steve, the love of his life, and when he finally got this, nothing could stop him. Even Danny all by himself.

„Hey, Sunny-boy, it's your turn!” Steve ran downstairs and called Danny back from his thoughts, when Danny found Steve behind his back and felt like he left a lingering kiss on Danny's pulse point. Jersey slowly stepped back and barked. Now she got their both boys in the same place and that view always made her happy. Danny trembled with pleasure and took a deep breath, when Steve's hot palms found their way to Danny's stomach. His sensitive skin there, on the lower part, was extra delicate, especially when Steve's warm fingertips slowly caressed his skin there. Danny moaned lowly and turned around, foundin' himself just in front of two the most beautiful eyes, with the longest eyelashes ever. Steve smiled amused seein' Danny's dreamy eyes, he grabbed Danny's face into his palms and left a sluggish kiss on his lips, endin' it with a soft lickin' his lower lip. Danny murmured with pleasure and for a moment he hid his nose into crook of Steve's neck. Steve sighed big and closed Danny into his arms. Danny inhaled scent of Steve's skin, mix of shower gel and Steve's cologne dizzied him and made him felt a softy one. He could stay in Steve’s arms forever, he didn't have a will to move even an inch.

„Babe?” Steve gently kissed Danny's head and slowly pulled Danny's head back, he needed to look into his blue eyes.
„What's wrong with my Blonde haole?” Steve asked again and reached Danny's eyes for some kind of answer. Quote that eyes were door of the soul, worked perfectly in Danny's case, Steve always knew what Danny felt, only by checkin' his eyes. Danny imitated Steve's motion and put his own palms on Steve's cheeks. For a moment neither of them say something, they’re lost in oceans of their souls, silently communicatin’ each other about the love, what they shared.
„I love you, Steve... I swear the God, I do love you.” Danny whispered and brushed Steve's cheeks by thumbs, Steve, exactly like Danny expected, had a five o’clock shadow and Danny softly stroked it. Steve for a moment closed his eyes and lost himself in that touch, this slow caress full of love.
„You're the love of my life, Danny, you're my only one...” Steve whispered back and opened his eyes.
„The only one what?” Danny asked and tiny smile reached his blue, dreamy eyes.
„The only one, who owns my heart, for now and for ever.” Steve whispered back and leant for a kiss. Danny's lips tasted coffee, Steve licked his upper lip and then he felt blood on his tongue, again he didn't stop himself and bit Danny's lip.
„And you own my heart, Steve. Only you. Always you. I’m your fuckin' haole for ever.” Danny smirked and gently stroked Steve's hair. „Be a good boy, SEALy, and don't drink only a coffee, I left you a light breakfast too, you need to eat something, promise?” Danny asked and didn’t move away for an inch, till Steve gave him an answer.
„I love when you're bossy like that, Danno. Sir, yes, sir.” Steve saluted with smile, which reached not only his face, but also his hazel-blue eyes.

Steve appreciated everything, what Danny done for him. He still remembered how it was, when he’s alone and when he could count only on himself. But since Danny came to his life, everything changed. Even when they weren't lovers, Danny always was by his side and had his back. Steve couldn't explain, why he pushed Danny away with Shelburne case, without even talk about this. But he had to admit to himself, when he was thinkin' about this, that he did, what he did, cuz he wanted to keep Danny away from that whole mess. Now, when he promised Danny, that he would tell him everything about Shelburne and Wo Fat, Steve wasn't sure, that it's a best idea ever. Steve grabbed a sandwich and sipped his coffee, when he got that thought. He pushed Danny away, cuz he wanted to protect him, no matter what. He needed to know, that Danny’s safe, that no one would hurt him. Steve lost first his mother, then he lost his sister for years, then he lost John, and now he felt, like he's losin' also Joe.

Steve had to be sure, that he wouldn’t ever lose Danny. Cuz if he would lose him, he wouldn't make it. There's no Steve without Danny. Not anymore. Steve knew, that he wouldn't get even second thought, if he would have to choose between his own life, and Danny's. He'd always choose Danny. But now his lover wanted to be a part of the biggest mess of Steve's life and he knew, deeply into his heart, that he couldn't stop Danny anymore, he had to let him in. Because if he’d not make it, he would first broke Danny’s heart, and second he’d push Danny to work on his own, and Steve couldn’t let that happen. He had to have an eye on Danny. Steve had to be sure, that Danny still would be safe, and nothing bad would happen to him. It's not like Steve didn't trust Danny's skills, he was an amazing cop, but this wasn't a normal case. It's a war. And Danny wasn't a soldier. That's why Steve had to make absolutely everything to keep him safe. Danny and Grace. And rest of Five-0. No one would pay a life for Steve. Never. Not a chance. Steve sighed and washed dishes. He heard how Danny was singin' in the bathroom and smile reached his face once again. No matter how much he's terrified about future and how big mess was his life, Danny always brought happiness to his heart and warmed it. Danny was the light of Steve’s life and meant everything for Steve. Literally. Steve stroked Jersey's head and kissed her cold nose. Their girl licked his face and gave him a glance of love, the same what got Danny, few minutes before. Steve left her a fresh water with food and walked upstairs.

„It’s not like we didn’t want to take a shower together, not at all.” Danny got that thought, when they both met in the bedroom. Danny knew, how much Chin’s call cost Steve and how upset he’s after that talk. Worry in Steve’s eyes, upset Danny either. Their relationship was so special cuz it based not only on a boundless love, but also on an empathy. They sensed each other without a word. Danny always knew, when Steve was upset, worried or hurt, and in the same way Steve could read also Danny’s feelings. They’re like open books for each other and somehow, only one look was enough to know, what the other one felt or thought at that moment.

Danny felt how Steve was stressed after Chin’s call, his eyes were a little bit hazy, his look was thoughtful. Even Steve was with Danny in the same room, Danny felt, that Steve was definitely far away from their house in his mind. They needed to get as fast, as it was possible to the HQ, and it pissed Danny off so much, that he couldn’t tie himself deftly like usual. Somehow his hands just shook all the time, when he tried to make it. Maybe reason was a stress and also a fear, what he felt before, when he needed to tell Steve the true about Joe. Danny felt like an echo, these feelings came back to him with double force. Another reason could be also this, what Danny felt in his guts, about bein' a part of the Shelburne thing. But no matter how much it scared him, he's sure about one thing, now, when he knew, how dangerous it’s, he couldn't leave Steve alone with that anymore. He would never forgive himself, if something would happen to Steve, and he wouldn't be by his side then. He stepped back once, and it was a huge mistake, cuz he almost lost Steve in North Korea. That’s why Danny promised to himself, that he’d never make it again. Mystery about Steve's parents death, Joe, Yakuza, that's all was his problem too. Since beginning, even Steve pushed him away and left him out of it. For Steve, Danny was ready to make absolutely everything, didn't matter how much it'd cost. And even if this would mean kickin' Steve's ass, when he would try to push him away again.

Danny glanced at Steve, who's dressin' his black shirt, and he felt how a shiver of pleasure ran down his spine. He never had enough a view of Steve’s naked body, simple never. And even Steve sometimes made a joke about that, for Danny Steve was the most beautiful man all over the world. Maybe reason was that for Danny, Steve was the only one man, whom he saw that way. He saw only Steve, he cared only about Steve, he never was in love with a man before, and he knew, that he wouldn’t be in the future. Steve changed his life, changed him, only Steve, always Steve. Danny sighed and looked back into the mirror on the wardrobe door. Maybe he would be calmer and not that jittery, if he could take his usual long shower. Danny’s version of the Navy shower was always the crazy one, cuz he didn’t use to take a shower in that short time. Danny’s that kind of person, who simple loved to take a long, hot shower. He simple enjoyed a warm lashes of the water on his skin, steamy glasses always relaxed him. Truth was that Danny just loved, how hot water burnt him almost alive and took his breath away. If anyone would ask him, what he loved the most in takin’ a long shower, he’d say that, it’s a fact, that there he could have time only for himself. Under the shower Danny could relax, he could escape from everyday life, from problems, worries, stress, work, he could simple forget about everything. Everything besides Steve.

Shower was a place, where Danny could dream about Steve as much, as he wanted. And he did this, since Steve got to the Halawa, he did this almost all the time. Somehow the shower was some kind of his own shelter. Before Steve became his lover, Danny spent a lot of time under the hot water, dreamin’ about Steve, about sex with him, about this, how amazing would be to feel Steve's mouth and teeth on his body. Every time when Danny closed his eyes, he could feel Steve’s warm palms on his skin, his lingering kiss on his neck, he could feel how he sucked his nipples, how he moved his hot tongue and open mouth lower and lower on his chest, down to his stomach. Every time when Danny escaped into dreams about Steve, he always released himself with his hand. But since Steve and Danny became a couple, Danny almost never took a shower alone. He didn’t have to, cuz finally his dreams came true. And Danny didn’t complain about that at all, cuz when Steve was with Danny, he forgot about a time or meanin’ of the Navy shower.

"Come one." Steve said with tiny smile on his lips. Even he was lost in his own thoughts, he still sensed Danny’s emotion. He saw that Danny also was lost in his mind, and it didn’t help him at all to tie his black tie up.
"Come on, Danny. Let me try." Steve asked again and it made that Danny looked at him, like someone would just wake him up. An affection in Steve’s eyes made, that Danny didn't yell at him, that he's really a big boy and he knew exactly how put a tie on his neck. For a moment Danny's just lookin' at Steve and then glanced back on his black tie with a hesitation. But when Steve tilted his head and smiled, Danny simple gave up. He came closer to Steve and gave him his tie.
“Okay Steven, but remember, We don’t have a time...” He didn’t end his sentence, cuz Steve just bit own lower lip and bored his eyes into Danny's neckline. Danny held his breath under Steve's look. He still had two last bottoms of his white shirt open. Steve brushed Danny’s bare neckline softly by his fingertips, and that move made, that Danny closed his eyes and leant his head back. Steve grabbed Danny's shoulder, and bent his lips into crook of Danny’s neck. Danny just hissed with pleasure, when he felt like Steve bit him and left a mark on Danny’s pulse point. Somehow Steve had that tendency to bite Danny, but no one of them complain about that. Pleasure warmed their both bodies with blink of their eyes, every time Steve's teeth made a contact with Danny's neck. Danny snatched at Steve's waist and pulled his hips closer to his own. When their chest stuck to each other, he could feel through a fabric, how erected were Steve’s nipples. That sensation sent a warm shiver up and down Danny’s spine and ended in his loins. Murmur of them both sounded with a double surround in their ears, fulfilled whole bedroom and backed to them with double force.

"We-We need to stop..." Danny closed his eyes again and his husky voice sent this time a hot shiver up and down Steve's spine. Danny still kept Steve’s hips close to his own, his fingers slipped under Steve’s shirt and softly caressed his back, just over his cargo pants. Steve’s hands rested on Danny’s ass, grabbin' his butt with pleasure. Even they both knew, that they should break that foreplay and drove to work, no one of them was ready to make a first move. They both knew exactly, that Chin’s call meant troubles, and they both needed a power to deal with this. A source of their strength was always the other one. Only Steve. And only Danny.
"Oh really?" Steve left another lingering kiss on vulnerable spot on Danny’s neck and moved his open mouth little lower. His hot breath almost burnt Danny’s sensitive skin there, he shivered under Steve’s lips like a leaf.
"Someone has to be responsible one, don’t you think, SEALy?” Danny’s voice trembled when Steve licked his collarbone.
“I-I, I guess, you got your hot shot today, huh? Don’t you think, boy, that you need some time to ... ekhm recover, heal so-something?" Danny’s voice became higher one when he felt, how Steve moved his hands inside Danny’s boxers. Steve’s warm palms on his butt almost made him scream, especially that Steve pulled him closer to his loins. There's not such a thing as a personal space between them. Never.

"Did you recover yourself after our first time, Danno? Nah, you wanted to get me, just after I ended with you...” Steve smirked and blushed at the same time. He still remembered how awkward he felt back then, how he was scared that he could do something wrong, hurt Danny or screwed this up somehow. But when their lips met that night, nothing and no one could stop either of them.  Steve took Danny into the hell of pleasure and followed him with moves of his own hips.
“Besides, I'm completely fine, nurse Williams." Steve squeezed Danny’s ass and grabbed Danny's chin with his teeth lickin’ it slowly. This was a pure torture for Danny, they both were aware of it, but no one of them complaint about that. Not at all. Danny pushed harder Steve’s hips on his own, he needed to feel him and when he did, flames exploded inside his head and loins. He was ready to forget about HQ, Joe and new case, he just wanted to feel Steve inside him once again. Now. Without a doubt or a second thought.

Danny heard Steve’s husky breath in his left ear, he felt like his own heart's beatin' rapidly, when Steve drew Danny's face closer to his own and stole a brief kiss from his lips. Before Danny could blink, Steve raised his collar again and tied Danny up. Danny shivered. He tried to calm himself down, but he still felt that familiar bittersweet pain in his loins, and even Steve pulled himself away a little bit to look into Danny’s eyes, Danny could see that his boy was still excited too. Just the same way, like he was. Steve’s cargo pants looked like they’re about one size smaller, than they’re few minutes before, and for some reason, it made that Danny laughed. He always wondered what did it mean, before they became lovers, now he knew his answer, and it amused him, how cargo pants always betrayed Steve before, and now they made this once again. Steve wanted Danny. No doubt. His softly motions, the way how he corrected Danny's collar and gently brushed Danny's neck durin' this process, only by his fingertips, made that Danny's heart again tightened cuz of pure love, which fulfilled him all over. Again.

"You look simple gorgeous, Danny-boy." Steve said and a smile from an ear to ear showed up on his handsome face. Danny knew that even Steve made a joke of him, he really meant, what he said.
"Screw you, Goof." Danny smirked and crushed his lips on Steve's ones. When they broke it finally to catch some air, Steve caressed Danny’s lips by his thumb and smiled.
"Put your pants on, Bon Jovi! We have job to do." Steve gave Danny a wink and spanked his ass.
"Roger that." Danny chuckled and put his pants on as ordered.

Before they showed up finally in the HQ, they made a stop at the cemetery. Steve needed to take his Silverado from parking lot, cuz even Danny promised him to bring his car home, he simple couldn’t make it last night, he just couldn’t leave Steve at home, alone. The Boys showed up on HQ's parking lot a quarter of an hour later. The Cousins already waited for them, so as soon as they showed up inside the office, Chin told them, what he and Kono knew about that new case, what they’ve got. It’s not like Steve didn’t care of the case, he really did try to focus on this, what Chin was sayin’ him, but it wasn’t something easy. Not now, not in circumstances like that, when Steve’s thoughts all the time backed to Joe. He knew, that he had to talk with his father, no doubt, but he wasn’t sure what exactly he could tell him, anyway. The same like Steve simple didn’t know, how he should act around Joe. This, what Joe told him a day before, wasn’t a simple message. It wasn’t something what Steve could just get and move on. Steve knew, that he should talk with Danny, told his Sunny-boy, what bugged him, even he was pretty sure, that Danny knew this already very well. That silent communication, feelin' each other emotions, it was there since beginning between the two of them and always worked just perfect. That’s why Steve was sure that Danny was aware of this, what’s goin’ on inside Steve’s mind and heart. But he knew also, that Danny waited for that talk. Telepathic communication was a good thing, but apart of that, they also needed a sincere talk. Steve, the same like Danny, had to learn to share piece of their thoughts and feelings by verbalizin’ them, because they needed these words, they deserved just not only feel each other emotions, but also hear about them.

The only one reason, why Steve still didn’t say something to Danny about his confusion, was a fact, that he truly didn’t have some idea, what he could say. He didn’t know, what to do with Joe, he didn’t know if he wanted to see him as a father, or he wanted to forget about this, what Joe told him, and lived like nothing happened. Steve was lost in that position, his situation was really tangled, and he was aware of this. And that’s the reason, why Steve decided to ask Danny for help eventually. Cuz whole his life Joe was more like a father for Steve, than John ever was, not once Steve prayed to have him as a real one, and now, when all his prayers became the true, that true just hit Steve between his eyes and he just lost it. Steve wasn’t a naive one, he knew that processin’ this information wouldn’t happen durin’ only one night, especially drank night with the hugest hangover ever at the morning. He needed his own time to deal with this, what Joe and Danny told him, but he wasn’t sure that much, if Joe would be able to give him the time, what he needed. Now when Shelburne and Wo Fat were all the time just behind their backs, neither of them was prepared for family drama.

Chin acted like he didn’t realize, that Steve almost didn’t focus on what he reported, but fortunately Steve was multi-tasker, so somehow he still managed to be up on this, what Chin’s tellin' him. Steve nodded to Chin and answered his question, and then looked at Danny with Kono. He couldn’t help this - he always tried to catch Danny’s look, no matter how many people was around them, he needed this and he always followed that need. Especially now, when since few weeks, they didn’t have to hide their feelings anymore. Danny looked relaxed, he had some fun with Kono around PC-table, they teased each other and burst in laughin’ all the time. But when Steve’s eyes reached Danny’s ones, he saw what about Danny was really thinkin’. His eyes almost screamed: “You’re not alone with this Steve, I’m here.” Silent communication worked once again. “I need to talk with you, Danny.” Steve looked backed at Danny, and without a word his message got into Danny’s heart. Danny nodded and slowly closed his eyes and opened them again. Looks of love always sent shivers up and down their spines. Both of them.

But still it doesn’t change the fact, that Steve didn’t have some idea, what he should do about Joe, and that thought backed to him all over again. Chin grabbed Steve’s arm and pulled him to look at the PC-table, he showed Steve some pictures and continued his report. For a moment Steve closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was finally able to stop torturin’ himself with thinkin’ about Joe and took some decisions about the case with Chin. Danny and Kono acted like they wouldn’t give a damn shit about a case, perfectly knowin’ that Steve and Chin took care of it. If someone would not know them and their relationship, probably wouldn’t be able to understand, how they can act like that, when FIVE-0 got a new case and they should focus on their work. Both of them were pro with connectin' a focus on a case with actin' around PC-table like two childish teenagers. So even maybe it didn't look obvious, both of them were part of the Chin and Steve's conversation. Chin just nodded at them, with his wise man look of face, and didn't comment this at all. Steve wrinkled his forehead and shrugged his arms. He also didn’t say a word. Kono was pretty sure, that Steve and Danny spent a New Year’s Eve in a bed and she just couldn’t stop to make a fun of Danny about that. The way how both of boys looked all the time at each other, since they joined The Cousins in HQ, how Danny moved closer to Steve, only to briefly stroked his arm, in one hand moved Kono, but in the other one, she just couldn't stop teasin' Danny about that.

Danny had a huge soft spot for Kono. Since some time, he’s the only one, who still called Kono as a ‘Rookie’, and he did this, cuz for both of them that nickname became more like a term of endearment, than way of teasin’. Like whole male part of H50 used to make in past, when Kono just joined to the task force. The same was with Steve and Danny. At the beginning, Steve called him ‘Danno’ and mixed this with “Book’em”, only to make him pissed off about that. He simple adored to see how Danny's face became a red one, when he heard that sentence. Danny reminded himself, how he felt, when one day Steve told him the true about that teasin’. His heart melted then, and now did simple the same.

“When I say ‘Book’em Danno’ it’s a term of endearment.” Steve said this and his eyes shined like two stars in the middle of the sunny day. Danny didn’t even try to be mean for Steve, he didn’t say that he should back off, shut up and generally screw himself up. The only thing he could do, was to smile back at Steve.
“Okay, do it every day… I like it…” Truth was that for Danny this whole teasin’ became a some kind of special caress from Steve. Every time when Steve said ‘Book’em Danno’, even Danny never showed this, it meant much for him, and warmed his heart. Besides Steve was the only one, who could say this. Always. For ever.

Danny saw Steve's aneurism face, and it bugged him. He simple wanted just kissed away all pain and sadness from Steve’s face, but he knew that it wouldn’t change something. They had a huge problem, and they needed to deal with this. Danny had a hope that sooner or later, Steve would tell rest of the team, what’s goin’ on about Shelburne, cuz even Steve wanted to protect everybody around himself, the true was that he also needed a protection. “Okay he’s a Super Seal, but he’s not a Superman. But for sure he’s my man. And I’d everything to save his ass.” Danny got this thought and gently stroked Steve’s arm. For a moment he left his fingers on Steve’s left shoulder blade and then backed to Kono.

Steve trembled under Danny’s touch, he wanted to cover his hand on his shoulder, but he wasn’t fast enough. When Danny moved his palm lower on Steve’s back, he just held his breath, and closed his eyes for a moment. Strength what radiated from that touch, warmed Steve’s heart. He rubbed his face. Even he fought with this, in back of his mind again showed up a question, from his phone talk with Chin: "Are you sure you can still trust him?". Steve couldn't shut his mind up. Fear and doubts about Joe fulfilled his heart. He stopped to care if rest of the team could notice, that something is wrong or not, but Danny did care. He felt that something was clearly wrong with Steve, but as much as he wanted to close Steve in his arms, he wanted also to put The Cousin’s attention in different direction. Danny knew, how much Kono and Chin cared of Steve, but he had to respect Steve's wish. As long as Steve didn't want to share the true about his past with them, Danny had to make the same. Danny’s aware of fact, that before Steve would tell the true to rest of his Ohana, he needed first wrapped his head around that all by himself. "With my help." Danny got this thought and interwove his fingers with Steve’s, when they all left the office, and walked to cars.

In a moment when they finally showed up on the crime scene, Max almost exploded. This usually calm guy wasn’t a calm one at all, when he saw them. Steve just moved up his left eyebrow, when Max ran to them wavin’ his hands and all the time correctin’ his black glasses, which in that big stir all the time moved down his nose. Danny smirked, Kono just smiled. Chin was the one who grabbed Max’s arm and with low voice calmed him down. It took a moment but finally they followed Max to the right place, where he explained them, what exactly happened and what’s his preliminary examination. Then unexpectedly Steve got a call from HPD with information, that Joe’s arrested. He didn’t want to make a big affair cuz of that, so he just grabbed Danny’s arm and whispered into Danny's right ear.

“I need to tell you something.” Steve squeezed Danny's shoulder and walked slowly to the Silverado. He felt a relief that drove his own car to the crime scene, cuz now he could just jump inside it and checked up, what the hell happened with Joe.

“What’s wrong? You have aneurism face. Why?” Danny asked and grabbed Steve’s face into his palms, he needed to see his eyes. “Tell me. I’m listening.” He asked again and slowly brushed Steve’s cheeks by thumbs. Neither of them cared about people and cops around them.
“I just got a call from HPD, Joe’s arrested.” Steve said and sighed big. Danny saw that a mix of the pain with a madness colored Steve's eyes into navy blue. An explosive combination.
“What do you want to do? You want me to go there with you? Talk to me, Steve.” Danny didn’t let Steve to look away. For a moment no one said something, but Danny got his answer. Silent communication worked once again.
“Go. But you have to promise me one thing.”
“If something would happen, anything, you will call me. I’ll wait for that call. You understand, SEAL?” Danny asked and rested his forehead on Steve’s one.
“I promise.” Steve whispered and leant for a kiss. He needed to feel Danny once again before he would back into his worst nightmare. Danny’s heart ached but that kiss at least helped him to catch a breath. He knew that Steve didn’t lie. He would make a call, if anything would happen. He would make it.

fic: steve/danno, rating: r, fiction: slash, heat of hawaii

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