sounds like someones got a case of the mondays

May 03, 2004 17:07

and if i could change my life in one way right now, i'd make my mother and my sister less republican ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

xxsmokeyxx May 4 2004, 12:28:39 UTC
Mondays suck indeed. I guess you could say I'm in the same position with my mother and older sister. I didn't relize how much they team up against me, until my dad pointed it out, and he doesn't even live with us!!

I totally understand. Fuck Authority! <3333


xcheektocheekx May 4 2004, 12:46:37 UTC
its not that i hate authority, its just that when i tell them things and they say "NO" i just need to say to them that i was TELLING not ASKING


dreaminginblue May 4 2004, 15:39:09 UTC
Rachel hates me.


xcheektocheekx May 4 2004, 17:13:24 UTC
no she doesnt, she was just angry.


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