
May 14, 2007 12:50

...a.k.a. the most METAL show evaaar :D Described as "Spinal Tap meets Scooby-Doo meets Norway".

Shamelessly stealing from the Wikipedia article...
Metalocalypse follows the exploits of the part-American/part-Scandinavian metal band Dethklok. Although the name is usually spelled "Dethklok," almost all of the band logos have it spelled as " ( Read more... )

upload(-s), music, dethklok, slash, video(-s), crack

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Comments 17

pixkame May 14 2007, 18:37:57 UTC
Ah to specjalnie dla mnie?;D ah ah ah czuję się wyróżniona;D Już się ściąga xD
Wrzucisz reszte na zupload prawda?:D *makes puppy eyes so you cannot resist*


xbrat_princessx May 16 2007, 17:18:52 UTC
i jak i jak i jak? oczywiscie, mam na mysli mature, no ;] no, to teraz w ramach nagrody mozesz sobie poogladac metalocalypse... nawet bonusowo wrzucilam pare nastepnych epizodow... jutro powinnam skonczyc ;]

[aha, i przepraszam, ze tak bez wielkich liter i w ogole, ale wlasnie pomalowalam sobie paznokcie u prawej reki i brakuje mi palcow xD]

Metalocalypse - S1E04 - 104 - Dethtroll

Metalocalypse - S1E05 - 106 - Dethkomedy

Metalocalypse - S1E06 - 107 - Dethfam

Metalocalypse - S1E07 - 108 - Performance Klok

Metalocalypse - S1E08 - 109 - Snakes 'n' Barrels

Metalocalypse - S1E09 - 110 - Mordland

Metalocalypse - S1E10 - 111 - Fat Kid at the Detharmonic

Metalocalypse - S1E11 - 112 - Skwisklok

Metalocalypse - S1E12 - 105 - Murdering Outside the Box

Metalocalypse - S1E13 - 113 - Go Forth And Die


pixkame May 16 2007, 18:45:20 UTC
Ale mi humor poprawilas:D a zepsuty mialam bo na usnym polkim mielismy taka zołze, ze kazdy kto wychodzil przeklinal ja== lącznie ze mna >.< 80% mam z ustnego, a to po prostu skandal =.= nikomu maksa nie dal ten babsztyl ==


xbrat_princessx May 16 2007, 18:52:23 UTC
ARRRRGH... *posyla wrednemu babsztylowi spojrzenie spod byka + zwloki jeza zeskrobane z jezdni... niestety, nie mjkam zadnej kozy pod reka, zebym mogla wyrwac jej serce xD*

Zawsze takie musz sie zdarzyc... A jak w porownaniu do reszty grupy? 80%... to chyba nie jest AZ tak zle? O.o' Wyleczylas sie chociaz troche?

No, to teraz pogladaj sobie Metalocalypse i powyobrazaj sobie, ze te wszystkie krzywdy, ktore mozna tam podziwiac, dzieja sie tamtej babie. No.


angel_of_dublin May 17 2007, 17:02:49 UTC
Hahahah gonna download right now!
I specially like the moustache guy, he's so... unique! hahahah :p


xbrat_princessx May 17 2007, 18:47:00 UTC
Awwwn... So you like Murderface? :D Yeah, you're right, he's so unique, and pwetty and he can p[lay bass with his prick... wowee :D (as you could guess by now, my faves are those 2 guys from my icon ;P)


angel_of_dublin May 18 2007, 16:11:50 UTC
Whoa... with his prick??
That's... very skillfull *wink wink* I'm impressed hahahah
Heheheh I've noticed!! The accent on the blond guy is great! *downloads more*


xbrat_princessx May 18 2007, 19:49:15 UTC
yes, and he makes his fanboys horny with that talent of his- what is shown in ummm.... *looks above* 3rd episode ;P

And yeah, both Skwisgaar and Toki (guys from my icon) use a one of kind English. That's how Americans see European (Scandinavian xD) English, I'm afraid ;P nNot that mine is better ;P What's sad, I have almost no probs with unserstanding the blond one- but trying to understand Murderface can be pretty hardcore task at the times X.x'

Ah, and i actually like music from this show X.x'


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