30 day music meme & weird dream 8D

Jun 03, 2010 23:01

day o1 - your favorite song
day o2 - your least favorite song
day o3 - a song that makes you happy
day o4 - a song that makes you sad
day o5 - a song that reminds you of someone
day o6 - a song that reminds of you of somewhere
day o7 - a song that reminds you of a certain event
day o8 - a song that you know all the words to
day o9 - a song that you can ( Read more... )

spamspamspam, meme, why: weird dreams, random, why: good music

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Comments 7

razzlie June 4 2010, 07:33:48 UTC
lol i'm the opposite ;D

that's the only song I like by Miley and the one i dont like is 7 things xD


and your dream is sooooo cool *w* ♥ it'd make an awesome movie~


lalalalovesong June 4 2010, 08:54:36 UTC
I'm gonna steal the meme if you don't mind :)


xbigbangx June 4 2010, 23:14:22 UTC
sure thing. knock yourself out (:


runfreebee June 4 2010, 18:51:22 UTC
Seriously! Your imagination is absolutely crazy! If I had dreams like that I wouldn't have to watch films!!!! :O I love that you remember them so vividly, I do the same!
"and we see the creepy girl wearing a white dress walking down the street holding a cardboard box trying to wrap it w/ silver wrapping paper and for some reason I'm like "ya know maybe ppl who accept the thing if you DIDN'T WRAP SILVER ON SILVER" (idk what that's supposed to mean I think she needs to stop wrapping silver wrapping paper over more silver wrapping paper)"
^^ Hello! This so sounds like a very creepy horror movie!
Do you watch them a lot to prompt this?


xbigbangx June 4 2010, 22:54:05 UTC
LOL! ikr?? my imagination runs wild when i'm unconscious i noticed when i had that weird tomato dream a few months ago lolol.
and yus i like to be detailed since it makes more sense C:
and lolol omg.... NO. I'm not extremely fond of scary movies - although i've watched a few of 'em.
no idea why most of my weird dreams are the scary movie type XD
but thanks lol~~ hope you were entertained by my strange, strange mind (:


bae_mac June 5 2010, 03:55:09 UTC
Dang pimp! Some dream...your mind works in the weirdest way! :D


xbigbangx June 7 2010, 02:41:51 UTC
LOL it does. when i am unconscious it concocts the strangest things :')


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